Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Im Bloggin It!

Yes that is supposed to be sung like the McDonalds Theme Song! (Im Lovin IT)

OMGosh I LOVE Halloween! It is such a fun holiday. We really aren't celebrating anything, it's just an excuse to dress up silly, eat a crap load of Candy, and scare your self on purpose!!! MAN I love it!!
This Halloween has been VERY fun. We have been to a few parties, along with a Disneyland trip(Disneyland was DECKED out for Halloween!) This will be a fall to remember for a long time! I have already posted our pictures from Disneyland(the picture at the head of the blog is from Disneyland.) But I thought that it would be fun to post some other ones too!!!
At this party we went to, We made these really fun pizzas. We cut up all the different kids of toppings you could think of and the challenge was to make a creative Halloween themed Pizza. Ours was the Witch. I had good help, Thanks Babe! I was retarded and didn't grease the pan before I put the dough in. I guess I got a little excited! It was good either way. We thought this was a really fun idea, so we plan on doing a party like this someday when we have a little more room to host!
Peter had one of his classes cancelled on Tuesday, so we hopped in the car and headed to Gardner Village. This has become a tradition for us, we go every year around Halloween and see the fun witches and get some good grub at Archibald's. If you have never been,.. We highly recommend it!
I thought this was really funny! I would KILL if someone EVER gave my children either of these,.. so don't get any big ideas people!
At Gardner Village they have a Christmas Shop that is open year round. We saw this Santa and Bailey DID NOT LIKE HIM!! So I guess I know what we are in for when it's time to sit on Santa's lap. (She loved him last year)
We also had a little family party on Monday and we decided to have the kids all dress up together and so I had to capture the Bestie cousins picture!! Eve didn't want to wear the hood part and Bailey would get mad when it wasn't on. It was pretty cute!I hope everyone has a SUPER Happy Halloween!!
p.s. my mom called me today to warn me about the chocolate coins that might be given out,.. I guess the milk used in them is tainted and is killing kids!? I guess I need to Snoops it,.. but just a little heads up!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


This last weekend some of my side of the family decided to hit the road to the Happiest Place on Earth. We had so much fun! HUGE thanks to Amanda(my sister-in-law) planned and executed it all, and I'm sure it was quite the feat! Thanks so much!
All Smiles Before we Left Provo!

We decided to break up the trip and spend one night in Vegas. We stayed at the Stratosphere, and then walked the strip the next morning, catching a Water show at the Belagio, A-MAZING! (This was really my first time to Vegas)
Spencer decided he needed Mariah to hold his hand the whole trip,.. SO cute!!!!

Then we headed off to California. We settled into the hotel when we got there, got an OKAY nights sleep(how well can you sleep the night before Disneyland? It's very comparable to Christmas Eve)

So I won't bore you with the details, but here are our pictures of our fun 2 days at the land of Disney.

Bailey did pretty well. She was VERY Happy when we let her out of her stroller to talk around, and usually that was in the souvenir stores. She very quickly found this Mickey Stuffed Animal, and we waited until the last hour at Disneyland that we would get it for her. She hasn't let it out of her sight since. She LOVES her Mickey. She has never attached herself to anything before and so I think this is a fun thing. We tried talking her into Minnie but she wanted NOTHING to do with her, so Mickey it is. But when usually if she wasn't running free, or on a ride, she was screaming. She didn't want to take any naps, and I don't blame her! How can you sleep at a place like Disneyland!?

We also decided to start a new little tradition. We found a really fun Christmas Ornament at Disneyland and we thought, it would be really fun to start getting a Ornaments everywhere we travel. We don't have TOO much catching up to do, but we will so we have our travel tree! Hopefully someday we will need a REALLY big tree,.. meaning we have traveled a lot!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lil Archie!

Tonight Peter and I had the wonderful opportunity to go to a Gala Honoring John Walsh from America's Most Wanted

It was hosted by OK which stands for Operation Kids. They benifit kids in many different situations but more so lately with The Department for Missing and Exploited Children. It was TOATLLY awesome! Collin Ray performed,.. if you don't know(which I didn't) he sings songs like "Here in Little Rock" and "One Boy, One Girl, Two hearts beating wildly"

Anyway,.. Peter and I were feeling a need to leave early because Bailey was being watched by Schmally(Melanie,.. thank you, You are a lifesaver!)EVEN though there was to be a guest performer. And Peter's sister needed a ride back to her place,.. so we exited quietly and then we decided to have a little photo shoot in the hallway and then I picked up my things, turned the corner and Peter kept nudging me while I was buckling my dear camera in her home, and I looked up,.. and there he was

And so I went up to this poor akward teenage boy, and asked him if he would kindly pose with a married old mom of 1. After we stood there waiting for him to finish his text, I prep-ed the camera for Peter and,.........He is little,.. hence my weird akward leening,.. and I don't care what ANYONE says,.. Skinny Jeans are so ugly,.. ESPICALLY on guys!! BLEK!!! But Here he is,.. in all his amazing vocal glory! See it and weep. Even if everyone in this picture is akward!

Yes,.. I know,.. We are awesome!

Drunk Pictures are my FAVORITE!

On days like today, when Bailey REFUSES to take a nap until 3:45, I just have to think of the bright side, and I usualy look through my pictures and here are some of my favorite, Funny Baby Pictures. Enjoy them like Peter and I do,.. that means Laughing histarically!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What a Weekend!

WOW! We had a fun filled,.. extended weekend.
Friday: Jim-bo and Julie's amazing wedding. Really,.. Julie was RAVISHING, and Jimmy,.. well he was Jimmy! ;) Thanks to Andy and Emily for babysitting all day, I know Bailey had a blast playing with Evie in the Sandbox.

Wedding Pictures

It was really fun for us to be able to be there for the sealing. It was very reminiscent of our wedding day. Peter's dad performed their sealing, and ours and so the messages were very similar, but this time I was able to pay attention and it was awesome!

We are really excited and happy for you! Have babies soon!

Saturday and Sunday are always great when you get to watch Conference in your jammies. Saturday Night is always fun too. All the boys go to the Conference Center and they usually go to dinner after, and the girls always try to think of something to do and start a tradition, but the tradition is, to not really start a tradition, and eat food and just hang out and talk. We even got in a little Wii action! Let me just tell you, I am freakie awesome at MarioKart! Watch Out! (not really but I would like to think I am!)

Sunday I was able to go to the Morning Session of Conference with Schmalgal Rock (Melanie) and be there for Music and the Spoken Word. I love MoTab, it almost makes me want to join the ward choir. We had a fun night playing games and just hanging out. Thanks Jan and Lynn!!

Monday, Bailey and I went and hung out some more with Mel, we just can't get enough of her! And then as soon as Peter came home from work we went to the Pumpkin Patch! We had SOOOOOOOOO much fun and decided to make it a tradition from now on! I can't wait till next year, and we will have somewhere to put carved pumpkins next year(hopefully!) Here are the pictures!

We recommend Hee Haw Farms to anyone with small kids! We had so much fun!