Monday, March 29, 2010

My mom said it.

My mom always asked if things "sprouted legs."
well,.. I am here to tell you they DO people!!!

Hopefully this one doesn't "walk away" like all that money in my mom's wallet did. :D
-sorry again mom,.. I was a BAD child.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Turning back the Clock

I was getting grossed out by my own zit, and since there isn't anything zit-tastic to blog about,.. I will just blog a few things from our day.

While I was getting ready this morning{yes,.. I actually got FULLY ready for the day,.. it's a true miracle!} I heard Bailey say "Oh Sorry pincess baby,.. sorry!" As Chloe started crying. So I went in to see what was the matter and found this.

Bailey,.. putting her "wed{red}pincess jammies" on Chloe's head,.. and knocked her over,.. which isn't anything new,.. but usually done by smothering her in kisses. {none of us can resist those cheeks}
Did I mention that Chloe has 5 teeth, and claps like no one's business!?

We went to Costco for formula{since Chloe decided she was done nursing, which has left me full of tears, and feeling usless as a mother}

Came home,.. had a Wii Scout Party, which is always a blast!

And while Bailey and Peter fertilized the grass I did a little project.

When we bought our table(over a year ago) I have been wanting a turn table REALLY bad,.. but the cheapest one I could find in the size I wanted, was $100, and I couldn't seem to fork over that much for it! So,... We looked in the corner and saw a clock I made at an Enrichment Meeting a few years back, that the mechanics on it were not working,
*BIG round thing, CHECK.*
Then,.. I remembered, I bought a turn table thing for the cupboard, but it was too big
*Turn Table part,.. CHECK!*

Put them together and what have you got!?


Now I am going to go eat a Chocolate Cupcake with Confetti Frosting,.... or 6. :D

Monday, March 15, 2010

8 Months

My little cowgirl or Cowboy-girl as Bailey calls it
I can't even believe that Chloe is 8 months old already. She has had a YUCKY bout of RSV this last week and is doing SOOOOO much better. This amazing lady who I serve with in scouts HOOKED us up with some natural oils and ear drops(she also had a double ear infection) and here we are 5 days later and Chloe is almost 100% better, with a little bit of a yucky cough still, but MAN am I a convert to this stuff. It's amazing!

So,.. ode to Chloe,.. she is so sweet. She isn't very motivated to crawl,.. she still doesn't even like to be on her tummy. But I noticed today she is a bum scooter. She moved about 5 feet in 20 minutes,.. I know,.. super fast! So who knows,.. maybe that is just going to be how she moves. I cannot express how sweet she is,.. she is always just all smiles and happy, even when Bailey is poking her eye and "squeezing her's cheeks" and SCREAMING in her face,.. "I Need more kisses!" and then attacking her to do so. I know it's all for love, but that poor baby can't catch a break! Bailey is going to be SO excited when Chloe really starts playing with her! (I will be too!)
3 teeth on the bottom, and the top two will be popping through ANY day now. I just want to kiss her chubby cheeks all day and tickle her all the time,.. she snorts when she laughs and it about does me in every time.
Oh goodness,.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my girls!

And,.. EVERYONE loves her!!! This picture is CLASSIC and I LOVE it!! Chloe being the center of attention to all the girls, Bailey screaming, and Spencer, no doubtedly, bugging her(No offence Amanda!) (he is his father's child!)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dreams and Wishes and Stars

It's not news to anyone when I say Bailey has an attitude,... a BIG one!

Scene: In my bathroom, fixing my hair, Chloe in her Jenny Jump Up, and Bailey completely "Maked" (as she says it)

Background to the situation: Bailey has these little clip-on earrings from her Princess Dress ups. She thinks they are hair clips. And usually she tries to clip them in MY hair when I am changing Chloe's diapers, and it's SO annoying because she usually only gets a hair or two and just pulls them out and it hurts.

And Action:

Me: "Bailey, do NOT clip that in your sisters hair! That will hurt her!"

Bailey: (stops and looks at me and stands up, runs to the door and yells in a very angry tone)

"Mommy! You are Ruining my Dreams! You are Ruining my wish on a star make my dreams come true!!!!!"

SLAMS the door,..Opens the door, scowls at me, SLAMS the door again"

Me: Hysterical laughter

The end.

p.s. Someone is a big girl and is totally potty trained (except for sleeping) It took very little effort on my part,.. just a little nudge in the right direction and some tinkle treats. It's SOOOO wonderful!

I am so glad I am FINALLY potty trained! I sure love tinkle treats!

Tee Hee

Just kidding!

p.p.s Chloe has RSV,.. and I am newly converted to homeopathics. AMAZING!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Downer Day

I am feeling sorry for my self today. I try to limit my self to one pity party a month, and I think I do pretty well at keeping it at that. Well,.. today was my pity party day,.. and boy was it a PARTY!!!! I'm sorry I didn't invite any of you, but,.... I am just guessing that you wouldn't want to come anyway, cause well,.. that's how you think on days like today. Plus,.. who would I REALLY invite anyway? because no one would have come because I am pitiful ya know!?

Really though.

I'm done today.

I am done pretending that I care to make friends.

I am done putting my self out "there" all the time,.. "there" just feels like thin air.

I am done with laundry because it never ends.

I am done cooking because it's the same menu as last week, and they don't taste that great anyway.

I am trying to fit into my "skinny" clothes. (that aren't skinny really)

I am done trying to grow long hair,.. I keep trying it, and you would think that I would learn everytime I chop it all off.

But I need to add this,......

I am NOT done being a mommy,.. cause I LOVE my girls, they are the reason for the smile on my face.

I am NOT done being a wife, cause I REALLY love my husband a whole heck of a lot.

And when I wake up tomorrow morning,.. I will done being done, and ready to start the laundry, cook a mean breakfast, go to the gym, fix my long hair.

I can't guarantee that am not done trying to make friends, cause I am exausted on that front and utterly frustrated,.. I might take a LONG vacation on that one.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Oh Bailey. I just need to document some things. Bare with me.

"Dats dangerous, I too widdle Mommy!"

(When I tell her to DO something she doesn't want to do)
"Dats NOT Funny!!!"

"But dats funny mommy"

(When DOES something I DON'T want her do)

I was lyng in bed the other morning nursing Chloe, and Bailey come barrelling into our room, JUMPS on our bed, looks at me,.. slaps my Butt and yells "BUTT!" then slaps my boob and yells "BOOPS!" and continued doing this until I gained enough composure to make her stop.

"Litte Pincesses" have become action figures. I frequently catch them fighting,.. most recently fighting over who was a "pincess". Cause there can only be one princess you know. AND,.. they really like to ready Bailey books.

Today Bailey was reading Goodnight Moon to me while I was cooking dinner and Chloe was taking a nap. It's been a while since we had read this one. (Daddy usually does the night time books) And Bailey starts really reading me this book. She knew the saying that went with every object, She came to "the lady whispering hush" and said that, and I was so surprised and excited, and I told her that, and she slammed the book closed and said,.. "Chloe sleeping Mommy,.. Shush!!!!!!!!" Well,.. PARDON ME!!

If I dare stop the vehicle, I get to go through this conversation every time.

Bailey- "Go mommy GO!!!"

Me-"I can't Bailey,.. we stop at Red lights. What do we do when it turns Green?"

Bailey-"Green's name's means GO!"

Me-"That's right! What do we do at a Red Light"

Bailey-"Red Light's name's means STOP!"

Me-"Good Job! What does a Yellow Light mean?"

Bailey-"Yellow lights name's means Slow DOWN!"

Then there was the special moment when asked about a yellow light,.. "Stop FASTER!"

On a not funny quote note,..

Bailey is a hoarder,..........................of food, her mouth.

It's SOOO buggy. I noticed a few weeks ago that after dinner,.. she was running around house with something in her cheek. So when I asked her what she was eating, and she did her, look up and to the left, and DON'T SAY A WORD, bit. (Super annoying) and so I open her mouth, and there is dinner,.. stuffed in her cheek. I didn't really care the first time, and probably not even second time. But now I am SUPER annoyed by it. Today we had tuna fish sandwiches for lunch,.. after an hour went by, and there was still tuna in her cheek, I told her she could eat it, or go to her bed,... she ended up going to her bed,... so from the beginning of lunch until I went up and got her up from her nap it was a whopping FIVE hours......................Don't even worry, she still had a cheek FULL of Tuna!!! (I realize the choking hazard in this, and also the teeth rotting factor, for which I am severely annoyed that my child hoards food in her mouth. GAH!!!!)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Thanks Laura. I needed an excuse to blog.

1. I have a serious addiction to Dr. Pepper. It's bad people. I fully parallel my addiction to that of an alcoholic's addiction, except I can drink it and drive.

2. I can't NOT pick at a zit. If I know I have one, I can't stop thinking about it until it's popped. Peter does not understand this ONE bit. I literally feel a wave of relief as the flaming pustule of redness and goo, oozes it's deadly infectious seepage all over the mirror. (don't you feel relief!?)

3. It's no secret that I have giant "boops". At one point, I even had what we affectionately called my third boob in my arm pit. It was AWESOME. (except for that one time when I was engorged when my milk came in after I had Bailey)

4. Sometimes I say things that I shouldn't. Like talking about my boobs on my blog.

5. When I watch American Idol, I start thinking about auditioning and think, I could ROCK that competition. Then I try and sing and remember I sound FAR too similar to a fog horn.

6. I just admitted out loud this week that I totally had a crush on my high school choir teacher. (stop laughing peeps from High School)

7. When I am gearing up for a serious cleaning(it's rare but it happens sometimes) I HAVE to,.. I MEAN HAVE to start by making my bed. Even if I have no intentions of cleaning in my bed room,.. Most of the time "serious cleaning" means doing dishes,.. and it still has to be made. {I know most people probably make their bed as soon as they get out of it,.. and my mom tried her darnedest to instill that in me,.. and it didn't happen. }

8. I dance and sing in the car. LOUDLY. and people stare at me. Probably because I use whatever I can reach, as a microphone. It was Bailey's toy giraffe yesterday. I know I am crazy.

9. When I am tired, I make up words, and then proceed to laugh hysterically to the point of tears when I realize how really retarded I truly am. (ie. quirpy, confusive, skitzafoid, Norwegia)

10. I am not detail oriented. Which means I am really bad at a lot of things. Sewing,.. If you don't care that most of your "straight" lines look like you are on a zig zag setting, you probably shouldn't be behind a sewing machine. If you are painting a wall, and you think to your self,.. it's just a little bit of paint on the ceiling, no one will look up anyway,.. you probably shouldn't be painting. If you are cooking and think you are exempt from using measuring cups and spoons,.. that can be a problem. This is me. Oh well. Pete loves me and all my little quirps! ;)

Tag: Rachel, Schmalgal, Amanda Twinner Pants Magoo