Saturday, July 21, 2012

Disneyland 2012

 We packed up the car, snagged Grandma Patti, and hit the road.

 We decided to take the trip slow, and stayed the night in St. George one night,.. it was wonderful.

 Chloe decided at somepoint this day that she would rather smile with her bum for pictures.  Cute smile, huh?

 Note: When asking Grandma to take pictures, remind her that we want more than just a family picture,.. we would like the object in the background in the picture as well.  love her.  p.s where is Cy?

 In case you were wondering,.. he was a perfect angel.  seriously,.. angel.
 we LOVE the Nemo ride!

 My children have no fear, and no inhibitions,.. Bailey just struck up a conversation with these ladies while we waited for the bus,.. she was telling them about her "Rock Star Hair" and her bandaids.
 Chloe and I got to ride a lot of little rides together while Bailey and Daddy rode big kids rides.
 Bailey LOVED Hollywood Tower of Terror,.. Chloe didn't even want to walk by the building and kept calling it "Da holywood of terror"  it was cracking me up.
 I wanted to go on this ride too,.. so I made Bailey go twice.
 I am salivating posting this picture.  One of my favorite treats at Disneyland.
 Although Chloe HATED the tower of terror,.. she REALLY wanted "halloween jack and Sally dolls"  So of all the things in the whole park,.. this is what she picked to bring home with her,...... Hopeufully she doesn't decide to be goth at some point.  yikes.
 Oooooh,.. this picture makes my heart happy.  My mom doesn't really like rides like this,... but I FORCED her to go on,.. if a 4 year old can handle it,.. so can she,.... my mom cracks me up.  The best was Space Mountain,.. I told her it wasn't scary at all, and that it was like the Buzz Lightyear ride where you play a game,.... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,.. she was SOOOO made at me.  HILARIOUS.
Needless to say, we were tired.  So tired we snuggle up to light poles on Main Street and take naps.  A Perfect end to a wonderful vacation.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

May was a VERY difficult month for me,.. as was most of June. Let's face it,.. I am still a train wreck.

It was a whirl wind month for our family.  We sold and packed up our first home.  It has been a VERY bitter sweet time in life.  Saying good-bye to people we love, a home we loved, and the many memories we made there.

Even though we were packing and moving, life was still going on outside our home.  

Bailey graduated from Pre-School,.... cried my self to sleep that night.

My Best Friend move all the way across the country,.... cried that night too.

Bailey had her dance recital, I didn't cry at this one,.. I think I was all out of tears.

This was taken literally as we were pulling away for the last time.  We closed the garage, set up the camera, took the picture, climbed back into the car,.... and it wouldn't start.  Peter and I just kind of looked at each other and laughed, and then talked about how we sure hope this isn't a sign, and then called a friend to come jump start the car.  Chloe loves to turn on the lights in the car,.. thus running down the battery.  Anyway,.. Bye house......:(

Bailey and Miss Korbie

By the time all this was over, (plus a million other things) We were exhausted, and needed a vacation! So we packed up and headed to Disneyland,.. which obviously deserves it's own post!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Just for you Chloe

Facts About Me:
1- I just grabbed a sippy cup(thinking it was one that I filled this morning with water) and took a big ole swig, only to realize it was indeed the lost sippy from 2 days ago with mango juice from kneaders,... rotten mango juice might I add
2-I have a serious addiction to Dr. Pepper, and will be seeking professional help shortly
3-I don't use soap when I shower,.. you can thank my mom for my lack of hygiene apparently. (and it dries out my skin)
4-I secretly seriously enjoy the sass of my two daughters, I want them to grow up not letting people push them around, and speaking their mind,.. so if you see me discipline them for said sass,.. it's purely because I am their parent, and should probably gain some control.
5-I watch way too many disney movies with my girls,.. purely to sing along, which usually ends up in my children throwing things at me and yelling at me to stop, cause "you are NOT Belle mom!"
6-Gap Kids steals my money straight out of my pockets.  It's an issue.
7-I am freshly obsessed with Thai Food,.. Pumpkin Curry with a level 2 spice. (sounds like a pretty tame dish,.. but I assure you, your taste buds will melt with any more spice than that.

1.Who was your first love?- Peter, love him.
2.What are you looking forward to most in your life? a mission with my husband,.. but I'm not in a hurry to get through being a full time mom to my babies.
3.Pet peeve?  Mom Jeans,... how do you get a wedgie with Jeans?  Doesn't that kill??
4.Most attractive feature in someone else? Smile,.. it's infectious.
5.Favorite place to be?  Spring Haven,... It's really heaven on earth up there.
6.Favorite thing about summer?  Bear Lake,.. The kids beg all year long to be up there,.. true vacation.
7.Favorite flower? humm,.. Just bright assortments are my fav.
8.Fruits or veggies?  I love them both,.. but fruits,.. it's like healthy dessert
9.If you could own any pet, what would it be?  A cocker Spaniel.
10.Heels, flats, sandals, tennis? flats,.. love them.
11.Least favorite thing to shop for?  Shoes for Bailey and Chloe,.. it's a nightmare.