Bailey kills me. I don't know where she learned to be so funny, but she did, and I LOVE it! I just laugh at her all day!
Bailey got a stroller for her "beeby", and has found my stash of empty bags and really enjoys putting them on her stroller, and RUNNING around the house, and furniture all day! Along with her stroller, Santa brought her some jewelry and she loves her bracelets, and necklace. She puts them on and prances around because she is "Petty". She gathers her "socks" actually they are her shoes ( I will explain) and puts them in the seat of the stroller. It's really cute!
We were out to dinner with my brothers last night and Dave was holding Bailey and she stole his onions that were cut in a circle, and put them on her wrist as bracelets, and we all laughed! What a funny baby!
She is learning so many words everyday, I can't even believe it. I will be really glad when a choice 4 letter word, isn't so fun to say anymore. She likes to say anything that ends in "K". She didn't learn it anywhere, that I know of, she really just puts things before the letter "K". So I stole this idea from a friend because she is learning so fast, I compiled some of my favorites and her meanings for these words.
-"Stuck" and "Stick", all day everyday!
-Mickey Mouse is "Mouk", and she LOVES to watch him in the morning!
-she is Mamma's little "Monk"(ey),
-When DaDa leaves for work, she cries for a minute, and comes and sits in my lap and says "Back?" until I say, yep, Daddy will be right back!
-Even though she knows I am Mamma, she still calls me DaDa, and then giggles, she knows it bugs me, IM MAMMA!!!
-She does the same thing with her Shoes, and Socks, she mixes them cause she knows I will correct her and when she giggles, we have tickle wars!
-Our tickle wars usually start with her actually, she comes up and wiggles her SUPER chubby little fingers under my chin and says "KhhKhhKhhKhh" I love it!
-She LOVES pens, and pencils, and I ALWAYS take them away from her and then she has a fit. Well yesterday she had a pencil, and I said, give that to Mamma, and she walked over, handed it to me with a smile on her face, and ran back in the bedroom, and about 5 seconds later, walked out with another one. Poor thing has a secret stash of them!
-She is now old enough to call us out on our "toos" (toots) She likes to inform us when she hears them. Which is NEVER from me!
-Dog Hots- Bailey's new favorite food, Dog hots!! She is a vegetarian other wise, I don't really think it's that great of food for her, but it's a little protein.
-I am thinking I am going to try to start potty training her, I am sure it won't work, but that girl,.. she will come up to me, and grab at her diaper if she is poops, until I change her.
So here is my last little story, and I hope you all get as much of a kick out of it as Peter did! This morning we had a world class French toast breakfast, with lots of syrup and so Bailey HAD to have a bath. She got out of the bathtub, and I let her lose for a few seconds while I got her clothes. I came around the corner JUST IN TIME. She crawled up on the ottoman and was squatting and then I heard grunting and RAN for it. I got there JUST in time,.. to catch it in my hands,.. yes people, my daughter pooped in my hands today!!! If anyone is looking for a "Mother of the Year" nominee,.. I am your person!! Poop catcher! I should know by now that she is aware when her diaper is off, and always goes for the kill.
Well on a lighter note, I just fall more and more in love with this baby everyday. I think I call my mom weekly and tell her I am sorry for not being the nicest person to live with at 14 and 15, because I just never knew how much love a mother has for her children. I just CAN'T get enough of her. I can never give her enough hugs, and kisses. I can't tell her I love her enough in a day. I can't resist the sudden urges to squeeze all of her squishy, squeezie, yummy baby goodness!!
Another oldie, but again one of my faves, I LOVE IT!!!!
You. Are. Amazing. Poop catcher! Well, she obviously hates having poop in her diaper. Maybe potty training is the way to go!
so freakin' cute! i love that she "KKhKhkhkhKHkhkh" {tickles} you! what a cutie! and way to go on catchin the poop! you're a nominee for sure!!
HAHAHA! Sick! You must be a mom! I love it! I love those pictures too! Classic
I do love that little girl! She is certainly all that squishy, squeezey goodness and more! Too bad you didn't have someone else there to take a picture of the poop in your hands...cause I KNOW you would've posted it!!
Holy cow you have me laughing so hard right now! That is the funniest story I have ever heard! Bailey is so stinkin cute! You need to let me babysit again. :) And also we need to catch up soon don't ya think?
Man that girl is cute! This post makes me miss her and want kiss her cubby luttle cheeks!
PS I totally believe Bailey about the "Toos".
wow. poop catcher. i don't know if i'd have the guts. brand new carpet might give me the guts though ...
Amanda so funny! I seriously laughed so hard I peed, bu t dont worry only a little ;) I must say you have some major skills! And I must say that Bailey is a smart little girl. Love it!
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