I didn't mean it literally!! Sheesh!
I started out my day with hearing this from Peter,...
"It looks like it might rain, but the weather says No, Do you think I should take my Scooter to Work?"
"Well as long as you don't care if it DOES rain, Go for it!"
MAN,.. I'm a bad wife and I'm retarded! This is proof to all, to not ask me questions within 20 minutes of me being out of bed and active in the morning!
Well I went about my day,.. getting ready, cleaned the house, finished the laundry, paid the bills(well wrote the check anyway) and got Bailey ready to drop off at the sitter, so we could go to the Temple(kinda).
4:20 hits, and I am like,.. what the heck Pete,.. where are you?
My phone rings.
I answer, thinking to my self, "it's raining and he wants me to come pick him up"
A woman on the other line???? WHAT THE HECK,.. I will KILL her! ;) Actually sheer panic ran through my body.
Said woman says, "Your husband wants me to tell you not to worry, but he got in an accident on his scooter, and he thinks he broke his leg."
OH REALLY!????!?!?!?!?!?!
Bailey was in her car seat before I was off the phone with said strange woman on my husbands phone.
My brother and sister-in-law live 2 miles away, THANK GOODNESS! I dropped Bailey off,.. BAWLING! and sped AS FAST as I could to the scene of the accident. I cut a lady off just as I pull up and she flips me off, and was all ticked at me, until she saw me BAWLING and RUNNING(waddling) as fast as my memory foam ankles can take me across the street, then I hope she thought, "oh, I'm a piece of crap", (but I only for a second). I got there JUST as the ambulance drove off.
Of course I am thinking the ABSOLUTE worse. As in,.. Broken Leg=Both Legs were wrapped around his neck, choking him, he couldn't breath through the blood gushing from his head, and the ambulance people are holding in his brains with their bare hands. Yes, I am morbid. But luckily I walked into the ER and he was just strapped to a back board, and although both knees were pretty road rashed, his leg hurt, and there was a little speck of blood coming from his ankle.
Ahhh,.. What a relief. Both my brothers were there within minutes, to administer a blessing. They got him some morphine and other than them moving his foot a BUNCH for all this retarded stuff,(okay, okay, it was important) I don't think he was in too much pain.
We waited and waited and waited to hear about the x-rays. I was keeping an eye on that speck on his ankle, and came to realize that the pool of blood was growing far too fast for the size of the wound. It looked like maybe they nicked him when the cut his pants, but Nope,.. the very tip of the broken bone had JUST BARELY poked through the skin. Really,.. the wound was MAYBE 1/6th an inch long.
Peter ate some pop-tarts that his sweet wife gave him.
I got in HUGE trouble for feeding him. How was I supposed to know they were going to take him to surgery, they weren't telling me ANYTHING?!?!? Plus the Dr. had a stick,.. I'll let you finish that sentence!
Finally at around 10,.. they wheeled him off to surgery.
So I am sitting on THE most uncomfortable furniture, waiting to hear he is out of surgery, just feeling Chloe kick, and thinking,.. Oh,.. Peter is going to get his cast off THE WEEK I am due,.. GREAT!! The next 6 weeks are going to be SOOOO fun!! YEA!!!!!!
My mom came to save the day. Brought me some comfy clothes, and in situations such as this, a camera and a laptop! Hey,.. I gotta blog it! ;)
Just waiting patiently to get his very own epidural!! He actually wasn't very excited! See the pink in the bottom right corner,.. #1 real men wear pink #2 His shirt was SHREDDED! But his skin isn't,.. I'll explain in another post. They put his hair net on, and I laughed at the lady and said,.. "whatcha covering up?" Then I told Peter it would make more sense to have nets for his eyebrows, since there was more hair there, than on his head.
Glad you are alright Peter!!
Poor Peter! I hope he gets feeling "back to normal" soon! I think the covering the eyebrows comment was hilarious!
I think he needs the hairnet on his chest! Look at all that hair Magnum PI.
I am glad that he will get the cast off before the baby rather than like a month later though.
Love you guys!
You can't ever say out loud you will be going to the temple! Oh my!! I am so sorry! Hope he is feeling better quick! You are so lucky you had family to help with Baily and everything.
"Oh, I'm a piece of crap..." hahahaha!!! Amanda, I know that's not a funny situation, but I about wet my pants when I read that. I'm glad Peter's alright. Good luck!
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