Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring Break

We had such a fun Spring Break in St. George.  It was the prefect pregnant vacation.  Normally on Vacation I like to "go and do", but when I'm pregnant I like to "go and do", and then take a nap, and then "go and do" a little more.  So this worked out great. just low key and chill.
 Jacob Hamblin Home in Santa Clara
 My little beauties
 She's not animated at all, is she?
 I laughed for a good 20 minutes when I uploaded these pics on my computer and found this one.  She kills me, and will HATE me when this is in her wedding video or put in her Senior Yearbook or something embarrassing.
 Batman didn't really like the Splash Pad
 We found our happy place in the little river though.
 Until Bailey biffed it and tore up her knees.  Poor girl!
 The Children's Museum in St. George is AWESOME.  It's free,(and packed) but there is a lot of fun stuff for kids.
 My Grandma would be so proud, kinda.  Not so proud that it's fake or that Cy thinks a horse says Moo,.. baby steps.
 Farmer Cy

 Dinosaur Musuem, and cheesy smiles.  (what is Bailey doing??)  

 Brigham Young Winter Home

 This picture is such an accurate description of these two's relationship.  They are best buddies.
 We had a LOT of fun hiking around Snow Canyon State Park.  The girls LOVED feeling like they could hike ahead of us and pave the path.  We saw some lizards and lots of pretty little flowers. 
 We had a lot of fun playing in the sand(I still feel like I'm cleaning sand out of everything.) 
 This kid LOVES his dirt and digging and rocks and all things Southern Utah.  He had a BLAST!

 Over all Dixie Rock was Bailey and Chloe's favorite destination.  They loved all the holes you could climb in and finding the "diamonds" or broken beer bottles.  And here is the only evidence I was even on this trip.  Love these crazy kids.

It was so fun to escape home for a few days, and not cook any dinners, and just be together as our little family.  There was minimal fighting(miracle) and lots of smiles, scraped knees, dirty socks, swim suits, and smiles.  Doesn't get better than that! 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Robbins Family Quarterly?

Don't worry,.. I had grand plans to post monthly,.. but I think it's going to be quarterly, if we're lucky.  
 We had a fun day, swimming at the Rec Center over President's Day.
 Chloe is OBSESSED with headbands,.. which would be okay, except the shape of her head isn't very conducive to wearing a headbands,.. they would be beneficial if she needed to hold up her eyelashes, or eyebrows.  ;)

 Cy was excited to help me pick out his birthday presents.  He is really into Super heros and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  He likes to be Hulk, he thinks it lets him get away with hitting.  

Cy's 2nd Birthday was a success.  He LOVES the "wogax" or the Lorax too, and that was an easier cake for me to manage than Hulk, or Jake.  So that's what we did.  There were truffula trees, but most were confiscated before the party even started by Cheerleader sisters who "had to have pom poms" and how can you say no to that?

 Before and After with his mohawk.  He's pretty handsome, if I do say so myself.
 Bailey was in her school play, The Wiz.  Not to be mistaken with the traditional verison of the Wizard of Oz,.. think 70's, psychadelic,.. really weird version of the same story.  
 Chloe LOVED the play and went both nights with me.
 It was kind of the Van Robbins Family show.  All these kids are related, kinda.  Cousins AND best friends, AND siblings, AND seriously amazing little performers.  It's so fun that they are all in the same school and see each other every day.  Bailey loves telling me when she talked to Gabe(the tin man, whom she is in love with) at recess.  And I love that they have their eye on each other.  Love these cuties!!
 This pregnancy has been fun for the girls.  They are old enough to really understand how this all works and it's so fun for them to feel that little life inside of me and witness the miracle of bringing these spirits into the world.  Chloe has been talking a lot about when she grows up and is a mom, and when she has babies.  She has been the most interested in the pregnancy, and I KNOW Bailey will be more interested when Dot gets here.  She has had some anxiety about it all, after being aware of her cousin that was born stillborn  last fall.   So we talk about Norah a lot and have had lots of lessons on Eternal Families and the Plan of Salvation.  
 Frozen Happened.  Do I really need to go into much detail about that?
 As well as "Ana and Elsa Hair",.. of course. 
 Grandma Robbins had a birthday and so we celebrated with a party and a fashion show.  This crew is hilarious.


Bailey had her little first grade program about the United States.  I need to see if I can post the video of Her Hulk-ness on here,.. because it was pretty epic/classic.  
(note her "tiny mowhawk)  Bailey decided to cut herself a mowhawk one day at school because "sometimes I like boy things, and some boys have mowhawks, so I just wanted a little mowhawk"