Monday, November 28, 2011

Givin' Thanks

I am super duper grateful for all that I have.  

An AMAZING husband
My miracle baby #1
My miracle baby #2
My miracle baby #3 
(#2 almost made #3 not possible)

These guys are my world, and I am just so lucky to be a part of theirs.  I thank the Lord every day for them.  

I am thankful for a lot more too. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Chloe's First Hair cut

Maybe I am demented,.. but there are 2 things that I keep,.... for maybe a creepy reason,.. but they are,...

The Umbilical stub(Yes,.. it's just a giant scab)after it falls off,...


Their first hair cut pieces. 

It's because they were born with those things,.. and it's a reminder to me that they were once inside me,.. I know,.. I said creepy,.. but I apparently have attachment issues.

So Chloe got her first haircut.  

 She was being shy, and was pretty nervous,.. she was affraid it would hurt.  Poor thing.
 She came around after the cape came off and she decided pretty quickly that she is just so cute.
Whitney is a dear friend of mine from High School, and it's been so fun to keep in touch with her on a bi-monthly basis.  Whitney has been doing our family's hair since Bailey was teeny-tiny, and we let no one else touch our blonde locks,.. cause she is amazing,... My girls are trained to say,.. "Only Whitney cuts our hair" when they see scissors.  Brainwashing at it's best.

Got in the car and cried.  She looks so grown up!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Fall 2011

I guess I am down to blogging about our SEASONS.  How pathetic am I?  Oh well!

Fall is my favorite,.. and I am trying my hardest to instill that love in my children.  So I try to do lots of fun stuff while the weather is still nice.  (and these things have NOT been in our own yard, since we spotted a tarantella and 3 baby rattle snakes,.. anyone want to buy our house?(i'm kinda for really serious.)

 We went up to SpringHaven one weekend, and the canyon was STUNNING!  
 Raise your hand if you love Cornbelly's!
 They are serious about this princess/sparkle horse business.
 Bailey climbed on these tower of hay, and struck a pose.  I love her.
 Bailey's black eye, and sisterly love at Gardner Village,.. our ultimate favorite Fall tradition!
 Bailey LOVES having her face painted.  Chloe,... HATES it.
 My cute girls.
 We got LOTS of dressing up in.  we had our annual Halloween Parade at Grandma and Grandpa Robbins.  I was getting Chloe ready and painted her face first.  When she turned around to see in the mirror,.. she started BAWLING.  She was afraid of herself.  But was alright with it all once I colored her hair.
 Bailey fell right before the parade started, and Aunt Bekah had to give this little spider lots of loves.
 Cute Robbins Cousins.
 They are best friend cousins, and boy are they super cute!

 Our ward Trunk or Treat was fun.  I had to literally pin Chloe down to paint her face again,.. cause Halloween is for the parents, not the kids.  duh.
 They were "pookie" as Chloe would say.
 On actual Halloween we hung out with the Bateman's.  Ate delicious soup, and played with the cutest little lady bug around.  Not as much effort went into costumes this night,.. we(Mom) was kinda done with dressing up every night.  I didn't even document going to Daddy's office to trick or treat.  See,.. it was a little crazy how much we wore our costumes.  
Even though they kick each other in the face, and give each other bruises,.. they are just the best of friends most of the time, and they sure love each other.  I am so grateful they have each other.  I am totally jealous of their relationship.  Hopefully they don't leave me out of their fun when they grow up.  I am totally going to be that mom that is like,.. "Can I hang out with you guys tonight?  I'll supply the TP!"  But then ground them when they get home.  :D