Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Winds of Change

As many have probably seen our recent announcement on Facebook,.. But if not,...

We are moving!!!

I can't really believe it. Peter decided to take a different job in Salt Lake,.. And I would rather not be a single mom to his job+commute,.. Thus the For Sale sign in the front yard. It's a big step,..and although sad and scary,'s exciting as well. It's the opitomy of bitter-sweet.

So we are going to move to Centerville, well, actually Farmington. But the kids will be going to the Elementary School Peter went to, and all of their cousins will go. We will live just 5 minutes from Grandma and Grandpa Robbins, and their cousins. We will be close to Peter's work, closer to Logan, and my mom and dad. It's good.

(note: I'm not writing the cons,...)

So,... I'll put on my happy face and pack up our house that I brought 2 of my 3 babies home to, and we will make our home all over again(twice,.. Cause we are going to build, and we'll have to live back at Belmont till it's done,....yippie!!!!) and bring more babies home to it,... Hopefully not for a few years!

I can do this.

Just keep breathing.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nursing Update

As you can imagine, the word nipple will be said many a times here people.

Some people have asked, and also to remember what I did for what, if I ever have this horrid experience again, I can come back to this.  (I better not)

After talking to my doctor about not nursing for 2 weeks, I decided to get a second opinion from a Lactation Nurse.  it was 2 days after meeting with my doctor and she had some good advice,.. and also noticed infection.  REALLY?  Throw me a bone!!!  INFECTION?  Then suggested(with much trepidation) that I start a round of antibiotics.  UGH.  Antibiotics are what got me here in the first place!(I was Group B Positive, AND had surgery, AND they kept me open almost twice as long as a "normal" C-Section){I will never know normal}

(incase you didn't know,..  Antibiotics are great,.. they kill infection,.. but they also kill all the good bacteria,..Yeast,... and then the yeast goes wild, and takes over)(Melanie Carr will kill me for this)

If you know me very well,.. I am always willing to try the homeopathic ways to heal almost anything.  I was REALLY leery of taking the antibiotics.  The Lactation nurse suggested the antibiotics, double up on the Diflucan, treating Cy for Thrush(yeast in their mouth) Probiotics, and Neumans Ointment.  I did almost none of these. 
 I did the Diflucan, and Probiotics.  I got a new bottle of Colloidal Silver,and went to town.(this stuff is being tested like crazy because it has shown that it will kill MRSA, and Staph, and all sorts of horrific bacterias) I would soak my nipples in it for 5 mintues, 3 times a day.  Other suggestions I got were to just let those suckers dry out.  So I was shirtless for most of the last 2 weeks.  (Poor Chloe HATED it,.. she was always telling me to pull my shirt down)  and then I would put the silver on them after every pump.  I gave Cy 3 or 4 days of thrush medicine.  On day 14, the last scab fell off.  YEA!

So,.. we started back to breast only last night, and although it was a rough start, things are going better.  I realized after trying to get Cy to latch back onto the right side, I had only ever held him with my left arm to give him bottles,.. so he really resisted turning his head, to eat on the other side.  But I let him get good and hungry and he latched back on like a pro!!  we are just 3 feedings in, but so far, no real signs of a problem.  I DID start taking nursing supplements to get my supply back up so he wouldn't be hungry at all.  Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle.  Amazing stuff.  My hands smell like Maple Syrup.  

Through all of this, I really clung on to a blessing my sweet husband gave me.  It was sweet and gave me the hope I needed to get through it all.  

Also having been through all of this, I quickly realized that I CAN do hard things.  If I can feed a baby for 8 weeks on cracked nipples, I can do anything.  I know that might sound weird, but I feel accomplished in that I came out on top, when I was SOOOO close to giving up.  The last 6 months I have been really down on my self for "never accomplishing anything".  I skimmed by okay in High School, I never graduated college, I never "lost the weight".  But I have a whole new outlook, and determination to conquer.  Even if it's a daily conquering of the house, or finishing that project, or in fact losing that weight.  I'm gonna do it.  Watch me.

As you can see,.. he is being well nourished.