Saturday, December 12, 2009

Potty Training

That's right people,.. Amanda is getting Potty Trained FINALLY. It's been 2 and a half years and coming,.. and it's finally here!!
So,.. I was going to blog about all of this before it ACTUALLY happened, but,.... well,.. here is the story,.. kinda.

Surgery for a bladder sling (a device that is placed so I don't pee all over all the time) was scheduled for December 28th, 2009.

Monday morning I get a call from my Dr's office saying my doctor fell and broke his hand and wouldn't be doing surgery until the end of January. (BAGH) Well,........ between having Chloe and Peter's leg issues,.. we have paid all our dues with our insurance and it all rolls over January 1st,.. so,.... I REALLY wanted to have this surgery before January 1st. So my dr called one of his partners and they were able to get me in,.. but ONLY that coming Thursday. CRAZINESS! So I hurried and did almost all my Christmas/Peter's Birthday shopping in ONE MORNING or should I say Mourning, because I LOVE shopping and to pack it all in one day was a time for mourning. So,.. anyway,..

I got my surgery! :D
Now I walk funny!
And blogging is lots more fun whilst doped up on Percoset. HAPPY :D
I don't think I professed my love to anyone this time, but I DID ruin Peter's Birthday :( He spent the day by my side in the hospital. Sweet man of mine!

Now if I could just talk Bailey into going pee on the potty, we would be SET!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tyler & Laura said...

Here's to increased bladder control!! Who'da thought that would be something that would make us happy...we're only in our 20s!! Sad!

But I'm glad it went well!

Holli said...

Wahoo...I am so excited for you...though I am going to miss when you'd start laughing really hard and then announce that you may have just wet your pants!!!

Pete said...

Ya sweetie! What are you going to blog about now???