Monday, October 1, 2012

Our Summer

Seeing as how I haven't blogged since June,..July,.. I figured it's time for my annual summer re-cap,... this'll be fun!

Family from Far and near,.. if they weren't near,.. they were SUPER far,.. arrived for my brother's wedding.  It was SO fun to see and play with cousins and siblings that I only get to see every few years in some cases.  All 7 kids haven't been all together since MY wedding, 6 years ago.  

Plus, we are awesome.

 This was my attempt at a nice picture with my kids,........  Not so much.  Love them.

 Ode to Evelyn:  I could not be more excited to have her in our family.  I love my brother, but he sure married up,.. WAY up,.. and she is amazing!  I am grateful to have such an amazing new sister!  Welcome to the family Evelyn!  Can't wait till you 2 start poppin out babies for me to munch on!!!

After all my siblings abandoned me, we kept busy playing with other cousins, and finding any and all excuses to NOT hang out inside the condo.  (too many people in too tight of spaces, makes for lots of tears from all.)

 BYU Planetarium,... snooze fest.
 Robbins Family Olymics at Spring Haven
 Lots of morning snuggle sessions
 This is the Place State Park

 Getting a clean shave for school
 Bear Lake
 Chloe FINALLY got potty trained.  It was nothing short of a miracle,.... but once she decided she wanted to be potty trained,.. she was,.. no accidents,.. well one,.. and a cold shower cured that!
 MANY hours spent basking in the sun at Seven Peaks
 Calm, quiet Birthday's spent at Bear Lake.  We were at Bear Lake for a week, and just so happens that both the girls birthdays were during that week we were there.  It was a nice, calm birthday celebration spent in their favorite place.  I can't believe they are 5, and 3,.. where did the time go?
 Chloe got this Merida doll from Grandma for her birthday, and everytime I look at it I laugh because Chloe makes that SAME face,.. all the time,.. see.
 This are coming along on our NEW house.  HOURS,.. DAYS spent in the design studio, piecing everything together was a BLAST, and the guy helping me was fabulous,... if you know what I mean,.. and now I have a new friend.  :)  If only he helped me with my wardrobe,.........
 Chuck E Cheese was a great way to spend a day!  So much fun!  remember that one time, I worked at Chuck E Cheese?  Seriously, my favorite job ever.
 We decided our family was better suited in a mini van,.. with a DVD player,.. and I am here to testify it was an AMAZING decision.  Someday I will have my dream SUV,.. but not as long as I am buckling babies in car seats and lugging around a chunky baby in a car seat that needs lifted.  (if you can't hear them,. the heavenly angels are singing the Hallelujah chorus right now)

 The mall was our best friend,.. Chick Fil A, Tai Pan Dreaming, a free place to play.

 We decided to head to Montana for Kit-Cat's wedding(a girl I used to babysit,... WHAT?)  It wasn't a last minute decision, but the day before we left, I contracted Strep,... aka Hell's disease.  Got my antibiotics and thought,.. I will feel better by morning,.. NOPE,.. but I did feel better 5 days later, after our trip was over.  UGH!!!  The wedding was beautiful.  On our way home, I decided since I was so close,.. NOT,.. I would go see my grandma.  She is seriously amazing and I wish I could see her more often.  She is so beautiful!  Would you believe she is 93?  Our trip home turned out a be a lesson in planning ahead.  I was just SURE I could make it all the way home that Saturday night,.. well about 3 hours from my grandma,.. I was ready to call it a night,.. (still 6 hours from home) oops!  We stopped in Helena for a hotel, and I kid you not,.. EVERY ROOM was full.  So we thought,.. next town,.. NOPE,.. 3 hours later,.. in Idaho Falls, we finally found a room,.. it was kinda pricy,.. but SO worth it. 

It was a great summer,.. so many other things happened that I didn't document,.. such is life.  

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