Thursday, February 4, 2010


I went snowboarding yesterday with Peter's awesome little sister Mary.

I haven't been snowboarding in like 5 years.

I haven't really exercised in like 5 years either.


I really did expect to get up there and be just fine??

I was there for 3 hours.

Made it down the Mountain,....

drum roll please,......


(I will pause for laughter)

Why is it that the boots cut off circulation to my feet? Is that supposed to be how they fit? I decided while DESPERATELY trying to get them off there is nothing worse than having NO energy left in my muscles, and NO feeling in toes and the one thing preventing the blood flow to my feet are IMPOSSIBLE to get off with my lack of strength. I truly thought they were going to have to cut them off,.... I could hear the guys behind the counter chuckling at me and my desperation, or maybe it was because I brought all the gear back within 2 hours. Or maybe they saw my face plant half way down the mountain and stayed there in the middle of the run, for 15 minutes, just positive that I had ruptured a lung and broke my nose, Or maybe they saw me sit down every 30 feet because my legs COULDN'T take any more. Or better yet,.. maybe they heard how I so very gracefully face planted off the lift, and they had to full on stop the lift because I was retarded and buckled in the wrong foot.

Every other time I have been boarding, I have had someone with me to laugh hysterically at my super awkwardness, like the time Melanie and went boarding at the Bev and somehow, someway, while in a rolling, tumbling, ridiculous mess, I ended up with the tip of my board in my armpit and my face in the snow. After the plume of snow parted I saw Schmally Pants laughing hysterically. AWESOME.

All and all,.. I love boarding and wish I could go more often, more to entertain everyone else than anything.


marci said...

oh, i desperately wish i would have been there!

Melanie, Shayne, Riley, Bently and Jaylen said...

Sounds like and... AWESOME day!! Haha! Your blog post make me laugh :) I HATE skiing and snow boarding. It seemed like everytime I went, it got more and more miserable. The last time I went, I slid down the entire mountain on my bum! I used to love it, but honestly... if I NEVER see a single snowflake in my life again... I think I will be just fine!

Brandon . Ash . Bennnett said...

Can I come with you next time? We can eat the snow together.

Mel and David said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I am laughing so hard. I admit when you told me that you were going boarding, I wished I could go with you.... TO WATCH! That was one of the best days I have ever had snowboarding.. Snow, Boards, Best Friend riding partner, oh.... and of course the ENDLESS falls. I am just so happy I saw you wedge that board into your armpit.... I have tried to do that just to show people how you did it, and it was impossible to replicate. I still to this day can not figure out how you managed that one!



Todd and Kara said...

Ha that's hilarious! Wish I could've been there! Those girls get more and more beautiful every time I get around to checking your blog. Hope things are going good with you guys. Love and miss ya.