Monday, June 20, 2011


Apparently another little Robbins Baby with super fat chubby cheeks and rolls that will make any human drool will be joining our family come February.  

We are excited.  Bailey is quite certain it's a boy,.. and Chloe doesn't want a baby,.. she just wants to continue getting all the attention as the baby,.. boy is she in for a surprise!  

The reason for the "apparently" is because,.. well,.. cute little baby #3 wasn't exactly PLANNED.  I mean,.. it was planned,.. but just not until like August,.. thus making it an April Baby,.. but no no no,.. Heavenly Father laughed when I stated,.. "I just want my summer without puke and sleeping though it"  He laughed really hard, and then I was pregnant. 

I have an IUD,... you know,.. CONTRACEPTIVE.  It's 99.2% effective in preventing pregnancy. Not in my case,.. as this is the SECOND time I have gotten pregnant with an IUD.  Last time was kind of a sad story,.. and didn't result in a baby,.. you can read THAT story here.  Basically the same story this time,.. minus the bleeding.  

I skipped a period,.. which upon some IUD research, seemed common,.. and I had taken 3 pregnancy tests that all came out negative,.. so I just assumed it was going to be an awesome summer period free!  So,.. I went one with life,.. no biggie.  Then there were more signs,.. (note: my SUPER hormonal post about being a freakazoid?)  and my boobs kept getting bigger,.. Yes,.. that is possible,.. and SUPER annoying!  And then I kept having these weird muscle cramps in my lower stomach,... which ONLY happens when I'm pregnant.  

So one morning I thought,.. well I have this extra test,.. I'm just going to take it,.. so I did,.. and immediately,.. 2 lines.  I just laughed.  OF COURSE I'm pregnant.  So I called the Dr,.. got in immediately for an ultrasound, they couldn't see any baby, but I just wasn't as far along as I thought I was.  Went in again a week later, and there it was,.. our cute little Yoke Sac. (that's what they called it)  That little stinker was sitting RIGHT on top of the IUD, making it impossible to take out without causing a miscarriage,.. so there it will stay, as a chew toy, or a rattle for our little persistent bundle of joy for the next 9 months.  Dangit anyway.  

So,.. there is a little "but" to this story,.. my chances of miscarriage are higher than a "normal" pregnancy,.. and I will GET to have ultrasounds every month,.. which I am stoked about since you only get to see them twice normally.  The Dr. didn't say I was "high risk"  but apparently I am,.. he said I could still go WhiteWater Rafting for Girls Camp,.. so that's the plan,.. go on with "normal life"!  Yea!  

Yes, we are crazy fertile.  Yes,.. I will be having babies until I'm like 65.  It's crazy.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The month of May

Well,.. here is what we have been up to,.. I know all 5 of you have been DYING to know about my ever exciting life!  

Best Friend Cousin(Eve) had an AWESOME birthday party!
Chloe is continually mischievous.  On this particular day, I put her down for a nap and was doing some stuff in the kitchen and Bailey comes running down,.. CHLOE'S TAKING A BATH!! and I was so confused because she was SUPPOSED to be sleeping!  But I go upstairs and I guess she thought she needed a good brushing before her nap. Cute little stinker!
 Bailey's Graduation!
excited to be there

getting bored

SUPER bored

Sisterly Love

I'm a little too smart!

What a goofy girl!  I love my girl,.. and yes,.. I am getting fatter by the minute,.. get over it.

Chloe KEEPS getting hurt,.. she is fairly adverterous, and if she falls, her face takes the brunt of the hit.  you can see one bruise in this picture,.. but she had another one on the other side, and one on her forehead.  MAN I love her!
 Bailey's Dance Recital

So lady like,.. I wonder if this was before or after she told Uncle Bob she tooted and then laughed hysterically at her self?

Proud Parents

L.O.V.E. Grandma Robbins!

Yea!!! I did it!!  

There you have it!  The fabulous life of the Real Houswife of reality.  No botox, or boob job, or fake lashes, or skin tight clothes, but still a good amount of drama!  :D  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Really? Over a month?

How did THAT happen?

Well this is how.

We got busy.

And when we weren't busy, I was busy wanting to crawl in a hole and die.

Orange you glad you asked?

I don't know what's going on in the good ole' noggin,.. but I'm having a hard time these days and I'll admit it. Mostly I just feel like I am on the verge of a giant meltdown, I'm a ticking time bomb here people.  I pertty much have shed more tears(over literally nothing) the last few weeks, than I have since high school (cause High School was hell).  So If you want someone to have a pitty party with,.. I'm your gal!  It's all about feeling sorry for yourself up in herr.  :D,.. well,.. maybe more of :(  Plus,.. misery L.O.V.E.S company.

Maybe I will be having happy thoughts tomorrow and can post about the month of May,.. well,.. all the things that made me happy anyway.