Friday, January 20, 2012


We are making progress up in herr.  I have been having my weekly check ups,.. well for the last 3 weeks anyway.  It's getting old at this point.  But at my last appointment they did an ultrasound to check on the IUD,.. which somehow made it out of my uterus in the last 20 weeks, and is chillin' between my liver and my uterus,.. which are close these days.  Every appointment I hear something about this dang IUD, the more I realize how much of a miracle this little boy is.  He is sure meant to be here!  To have my uterus punctured, and the IUD escape, all the while, keeping this pregnancy is a miracle,.. not to mention the fact that I haven't had any bleeding, or cramping, or anything,.. truly a miracle. AND just getting pregnant with this sucker, more evidence that there is truly a higher power at work here. This kid has got somethin' big to accomplish in life, that's for sure.  

The nursery is almost done!  I spray painted a few picture frames, and ordered Daddy's only request for his son's room this last week.  I will post pictures when it's all done.  But,.. I am LOVIN it!  

Big sisters are getting anxious.  Bailey talks to Cy ALL the time,.. when she gets home from school she gives me kisses and then kisses my belly, and tells Cy about her day,.. not me.  Whenever I ask Chloe what she is going to do when she meets Cy, she says,.. "I NOT going to kiss him mom!"  I don't know why,.. but I am certain she is a big huge liar.  She can't leave her cousin alone,.. what would make me believe her brother is going to be treated differently?  Bailey wanted me to make her a paper chain count down, and I JUMPED at the chance,..... for my sake.  We are a little excited okay?

Peter and I (really it's just me) are a little baffled that it's really a boy(I made them double check at my ultrasound).  I got the D.L. on wieners,.. and sheesh,.. all I will say is there are things I never knew!!  Good things to know,....weird.  

The original point of this post was to just post this picture,... 
When they went in to look for the IUD, they were really nice and did the 4D so I could see his face.  I gasped, and then just felt guilty Peter wasn't there,.. it was like I was meeting our baby without his Daddy.

He looks JUST like Chloe,.... I think.  And look at those luscious lips, and big fat cheeks!!!!  I can't wait to kiss them, and squeeze them,  just like I did to Chloe,.. and Bailey,.. and most any baby I ever get very close to.  I have an obsession with fat babies mostly.  Mmmmm I can't wait!!!  Just 12 days!!!!!!


Newton said...
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Newton said...

YAY! I love reading about this miracle! I can't believe all that has happened and that Cy is going to be here soon despite all of the reasons he shouldn't be. And that picture of his little face!!!! CUTE! He'll be here in less than 2 weeks!

Kristine said...

How exciting! Can't wait!