Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sick and Tired

It's been a really long day. Ever since we got home from our Christmas with Peter's parents in Argentina, we have not been feeling so swell. Hopefuly we can figure out whats going on soon. I just haven't even wanted to eat, ANYTHING. And if you know me at all, it's gotta be pretty bad to make me lose my appetite.

One of Bailey's bottom teeth FINALLY broke through so I think that she will start feeling better soon. She has been feeling kinda under the weather too the last few days, which has made all of us feeling yucky NOT FUN!! Because when the Mom, and Dad and Baby are sick,.. who is the one that takes care of everyone? Yeah,.. not the best week of my life. Thank goodness things are looking up. So I am Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired, AND now I can't sleep!! Grrr. I have spent most of my down time today making baby headbands, some turned out and some didn't. OH well,.. Bailey will love them no matter what!! I just love her squeeziness. So here are some cute pictures we took in Argentina. Enjoy!
We love bath time!!

That will be all for now,.. it won't upload the other pictures!! Sorry!