Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Wiggle Time!

So,.. Bailey has never really been into watching T.V. Which I was VERY happy about until about a month ago. Bailey is my little shadow. She follows me around all day long and I LOVE IT!! It makes me feel like I just have such a good little helper, and let's face it,.. she is 100% a daddy's girl, so when she wants to be with me I am not going to complain,........... unless,........ her helping has become more of a hindrance than a help. When I am doing the laundry she LOVES to grab the shirt at the bottom and pull it out and then continue to mess everything up, in a very crazy and insane, arms flying, bulged out eyes, and sometimes foaming from the mouth ;). She also loves to help me get ready in the morning and pull everything out of my drawer,.. I still can't find my hair brush! So I have been looking for something to entertain her just while I get ready and sometimes when I am trying to cook dinner. Baby Einstein just doesn't quite cut it anymore.

Peter is a saint and usually lets me sleep in on Saturday and Sunday. So he gets up with Bailey, takes her to the living room, and falls asleep while she plays with her toys. Well she has figured out how to climb out of the blockade we used to have so we had to figure something out and Daddy's turned on the Disney Channel. After a 30 min nap Peter was SHOCKED that she hadn't climbed up on the couch and shove her fingers up his nose and he realized she was FASCINATED by,.. Yes,.. The Wiggles. Bailey LOVES the Wiggles,.. She sits in her bean bag and doesn't budge an inch the entire half hour. So,.. I also LOVE the Wiggles. I can now Shower and usually get my makeup done before she finds me and attempts to help me get ready! I don't really love to let the T.V. babysit her but I am glad that I found something that will help when desperate measures call!!
I know they are totally gay! Especially Jeff(Purple Shirt!)
The down side,... I CAN'T GET THEIR SONGS OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!! The other morning when Peter woke me up, I sat up and starting singing about the nice Pirate, Captain Feather Sword and his ship, the SS Feather Sword! I know right?!? Then there is the Hot Potato, Cold Spaghetti, and Mashed Bananas Song,.. It kills me! I guess we are finally at the stage of just Disney Channel if the T.V. is on. Oh well,.. That's what Tivo is for, Oprah and Dr. Phil will have to wait until bed time or nap time!


Melanie said...

That's so funny! I guess I am going to have to find the Wiggles so I can shower too :)

Tyler & Laura said...

Ha, ha! Oh Amanda...'foaming at the mouth' make me laugh! Don't feel too guilty about letting her watch some TV...everyone will (or should!) admit they do it a little bit too! A little TV won't hurt 'em! Jack has had a torrid love affair with Bob the Builder since he was like six months old! Seriously, that's about the only way I can get ready (or vacuum, or PEE without an audience) too.

RATCH said...

I love it! Ella was obsessed with the Wiggles for a while there too. At least it isn't the Doodlebobs!

Gailey Family said...

I totally know how you feel. I was starting to get worried about how I would feed the new baby and not have Easton crawling on me for attention. But the wiggles does it for us to! He will sit in the bouncer for an hour if I let him. Sadly I must say that I have already stated saving them on Tivo and have cought several videos just so I have a good distraction when the baby comes!

Audra said...

Hey Amanda! It has been forever! It's me, the former Audra Rice. How are things going? Your little girl is so cute and you all look so happy! Don't feel bad about the t.v. thing...Jordan loves Dora. Richard tries to get him to like Diego because it is more of a BOY show...whatever works! Hope all is well!

Audra said... the way...I have a blog too!

Amanda said...

You guys can come over anytime and watch the wiggles with us...spencer loves them too, as you know. hey, he could even teach bailey the songs and dance moves! yeah baby!
p.s. those songs get stuck in my head too...usually when i'm trying to get to sleep at night! YUCK!

Josie said...

What the... you are alive. I had your gift to but finally I gave it away you should do the same and we will take that thought:) So oh my gosh your little girl is darling! She is a total mini you. I mean exactly so cute. Im glad you found me I was shocked to see it was you. Hope all is going well your looking good. Everytime i think of you memories of the hospital and Luke come to my mind. You did much better I think:) love ya keep in touch chica

Mason & Laura said...

hahaha, Amanda your blog is always so much fun to read :) I can honestly say that I have never watched the Wiggles (...yet!) cross your fingers I never have to! And can I just say that Baily is soooo stinkin' cute! In response to your comment on my page: you wrapped bailey till she was 8 months?! good, now I don't feel like such a freak! Everyone thinks I'm crazy...but it's just what Audrey likes, she falls asleep seconds after she's wrapped. Silly baby.

knitress of the night said...

ummm... i have watched that show a few times, and i didn't even have a kid then. i cant help but watch it and try to imagine them being normal people. i think they're kinda creepy. but i will keep this post in mind for when wesli becomes a destroyer of clean laundry piles