Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oh Those Summer Days!

So it's official,.. I, Amanda Marie Bateman Robbins, from this day forward vow, to me, to my family, to my dear friends and fellow bloggers, that I will never utter a word of sadness toward having a boring life!!! Although this summer has been SOO much fun, it has been all TOO jammed packed with events. With every event that came and went, we did have lots of fun, don't get me wrong, but I am done! (actually I'm not!) I am done with going, going, going, going, I am NOT, I repeat, Am NOT the energizer bunny. I am human and I will admit when I have had too much, and that is now, (actually I had it about a week ago) Starting with a big trip alone to New York the end of June and we haven't stopped since then. 4 trips to Bear Lake, too many trips to Centerville to count, 2 trips to Logan, 1 trip to SpringHaven, 2 Dr's Appointments, A family reunion planned and executed by yours truly, and my sister and her 6 little ones staying at my place[which if you know the size you would know that there should be no earthly way to fit 7 kids(mine included) and 3 adults in it for a week (and we all lived! it was close though!)] Bailey has DEFINITELY had it.
So anyway, there it is,.. in words! Here are some pictured Highlights of the last month!(has it really only been a month!????)

We had my cute 12 year old nephew for one day. He is from Wyoming and LOVES to hunt and fish and all that cowboy stuff,.. so naturally he died and went to heaven when we took him to Cabela's!!
Bailey has decided that the nook of her arm is a wonderful place to carry things with straps (ie the little camera bag and this bucket!) We LOVE bear Lake!!

SO Peter's Grandma is wonderful and allowed us a few days at the cabin at Bear Lake with my family. My sister and her kids are here from New York and so we invited them up with us. Well the night we got there we sat around and waited for the rain to go away,.. and it didn't,.. so the fire pit was a bust for dinner. So instead we decided to order an Old Ephraim Pizza in Garden City(that's about 10 miles from the cabin-that will be important information later in the story!) If you have never had an Old Ephraim pizza you are missin out!! It is about 3 feet in diameter and has about 20 slices! Its really fun to order and eat! So Bailey was getting tired so we left to go back to the cabin in our car, and my sister, her kids and my mom all went in the mini shaggin wagon(minivan, barf!) -no offence if you own one, just not my cup of tea!- We get back the cabin around 8 and are playing games, laughin, watchin movies, sayin FAMILY prayer, and just having a Grand ole time! Well right at 10 Peter comes in and says, "Hey babe have you seen Ammon lately?" I sat there and thought,.. well no,.. but I haven't been looking for him! (he is my 12 yr old nephew) So we asked his brothers, and they hadn't seen him, and so I asked my sister -the mom- and she was like, we he buckled Reina in, and Dax says from across the room,.. actually mom, I buckled her in. I looked at Peter and we both booked it out the door! We had forgotten Ammon at the Pizza place over 2 hours earlier!! So Peter and I drive as fast as we could back to the restaurant,.. we get there just as they are putting up the chairs to close for the night. I walk in, no platinum blonde in sight! So I give the people at the pizza place my number and said, if you see him,.. please call me! So we leave, call the cops, go to all 2 gas stations and ice cream places in Garden City and see if they had seen him, and with no luck we drove back the cabin FREAKING OUT!!! Well by the time we got there, I get a phone call,.. one of the girls from the pizza place saw Ammon walking while she was driving home. He made it more than half way. Poor kid was trying to WALK back to the cabin which he didn't know where it was located,.. and he was BAWLING!! I love my sister, but I was so glad it wasn't me that left my kid!

All of the Robbins Cousins at Johnny's Birthday!
We are in charge of our Ward Activities and we had a Ward Bonananaza,.. its like a Bonanza but it was Banana Sundays!,.......Bonananaza! I know, I crack my self up!

Besties Cousins!

Bailey has decided that if it's not a onesie it can be lifted and people laugh! It is especially funny in the middle of Sacrament!

Bailey is also VERY good at throwing temper tantrums! Example: Poor Grandma and Grandpa Robbins!
Ahhhhhhh,.. that is me breathing easier now that we sold Peter's motorcycle! It was a sad day for us all,.. but a good decision for our family! He will have another one someday! But Peter had the hardest time with it,.. so I made him a cake! I also helped get me out of the dog house for a not so nice comment earlier that day! I love you babe!
Bateman Family Reunion=I am a bad photographer! Robbins Family Reunion(kinda) Rachel=Awesome Photographer!
My sister and her kids moved to Utah and I am really excited to have them close!
And I know it's a shocker but the ole Spaghetti Bowl I call a brain needs wound up, so I am going to take a class or two this fall and see if I can get the wires attached again! Things are pretty rusty up there!!

So All in all,.. it has been super busy,.. but we will always remember this CRAZY summer!!


me and him said...

dang girl...slow down! for a couple minutes at least. you are so dang cute, i love all the family pictures! and next time you feel like life is spinning just be greatful that it is. because there are lazy winter months to come!!! (and we all know how slow those days can be.) that is so great that you are starting school. i have loved being back. just those couple hours out of the house talking to adults makes a huge difference in the brain! get ready for a blast. what classes are you taking? how much do you have left? what's your major? good luck!

Mandy said...

I feel your pain with the busy summer, I've decided that boring isn't always bad. Your little girl is darling.

Bingham Fam said...

Wow, you guys have been super busy. So last time I talked to you you said you hated school? How come your going back? That is so exciting though. It was hard with Brody but also it was my break away from being just a mom. We miss you guys so much. I love to read about everything that is going on with your family and see how big Baily is getting. Anyways, we love you and are glad that things are hopefully settling down like you want them to.

Tyler & Laura said...

Amanda, could you possibly be any more STUNNING?! Wow, woman! You are so beautiful! That's so great that you're going back to school; I really admire that!

Newton said...

LOVE the new family photo!!! You look so beautiful!

Amy C. said...

Oh, Amanda you crack me up. We so missed you at Bear Lake! Hope you have fun with just the Robbins clan. I almost cried myself with the story of your nephew. Sorry you feel so overwhelmed with life right now. Hopefully it will slow down soon. I really really love your new family photo! Your family is beautiful!

Katie Smith said...

Yeah, your life is crazy. I wish I were so popular...maybe someday I can be as cool as you, Amanda. :)

You know, the gym is waiting. Actually, I'm just waiting because I LOVE seeing you there, so whenever you're done running around like a crazy person let's go together!

RATCH said...


Landon&Janell said...

AMANDA!!! hello hottie! so sorry that took me forever to add you, I'm really bad at this blogging thing!! Like it took me 3 hours to post picture's and write-It's hard to figure out and I almost gave up! anywho my address is landonandjanell.blogspot.com, sounds like you have had a crazy summer, and your little girl is a cutie! Hope you have a fabulous day!