Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dear Ugly Lady at Macey's

Neglect: means to leave uncared for or to leave undone
Does this look like the face of a neglected child?

How about this child?

I think NOT!! I am not here to boast about how ridiculously amazing my fabulous mothering skills are, but let's be for real here??
I am a mom.
My child throws tantrums.
My child does not like to be buckled, in her car seat, in a shopping cart, in her stroller.

Dear Woman at Macey's who I will call Ugly, to be nice.
You don't know me.
The screaming coming from my TWO YEAR OLD is because she is a BABY and despite your best efforts at being the all knowing at Macey's, you DON'T know. And if I thought you DID know,.. I would have stopped to ask you where the deodorant was,.. or maybe some make-up to help your tragic face.

Ya see, Bailey here runs her own ship, and DARE YOU cross her. DARE YOU try to impede on her plans and OH HEAVEN help us all when it comes to strapping her down for her own safety.
Ya see,.. I know these things about her, because I am her mother!
Your, "you are a scum bag of a mother" looks are not appreciated, nor are your comments like,
"you are neglecting your child" or "I had seven, I know what a good mother should do" or "She obviously wants held, and loved".

Oh really???? I'm pretty sure that SCREAMING "GET OUT" and "PLAY" means she wants out of the cart to run around a play,... Just a guess?? And if she was SOOO neglected I am pretty sure that that red (clean) CHUBBY face wouldn't be looking so red and clean and chubby if I were just ignoring her to sit around and eat bon bons and watch Oprah all day instead of the usual home cooked meals, and dance party's, and books, and Nemo games we play, ya know, stuff that "good" mom's do.



You don't know me, and if you REALLY had seven kids, YOU must have been the neglectful one, or you would know that when a two year old doesn't get her way, she is going to be upset.

So when you tell me you are going to call CPS,.. I say, go for it! They can come over, and we can sit down and have a cup of hot chocolate, and talk about how AWESOME I really am!!

But, I will also compare you to Obama(Satan) and tell you, you are a waste of space, and you are wasting tax payers dollars! Go find a mom who REALLY neglects her children!

And in the words of Bart Simpson, I say to you,..



This story and it's quotations come from a REAL conversation had in the produce isle of Macey's. My remarks back to "Ugly" are not posted. Due to violent connotation. I'm kidding, but I did have choice words back to her, and I feel good about it!


Tyler & Laura said...

Holy crap! She seriously had the guts to say that to you? WOW. It must have been SO long since she had her seven kids, she must have forgotten how a NORMAL two-year-old acts when they throw a fit. Wow...I can't even believe that she would say she'd call CPS. BS! Some people...

Josh and Melissa said...

I hope you told that lady off- you are such a cute and loving mom!! There's not much you can do with our little ones who have minds of their own. I am so sorry you had to deal with such a mean lady! Seriously- some people need to think and remember before they talk! BTW- Bailey is just adorable!

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

I hate when some people butt into other people's business. I swear!!! I hope you put her in her place!!

marci said...

oh how i wish i would have been a fly on the produce during that conversation! i would have loved to see you put her in her place. and i hope you did! aren't you grateful for venting posts that make you feel so much better! you are such a cute mom. and believe me....i got some of the same looks while dragging bowen through the mall for five hours. and let him run around in the dressing rooms! some people just don't understand that to get ANYTHING done....ANYTHING, sometimes you have to let the toddler do their thing! {even if inappropriate}

Amy C. said...

I am so sorry that there are such Ugly, mean women at Macey's. I make my children sit in the cart all the time. And they whine and cry about it all the time. But there is a valuable lesson for our kiddos . . . that sometimes a child doesn't get everything they want, especially to run through the isles and rip everything off the shelves or get in the way of other shoppers or disappear. I hate that ugly lady too!

JAKE said...

Some people are un-freakin-believable! I'm dying to know what you said! I would have reached back like a pimp and slapped the ho!

RATCH said...

I want to punch her ugly face! :)