Thursday, March 5, 2009

Saved by the Tag

Although you all gave me great ideas for bloggin', I realized that I have just been SOOO lazy, I haven't taken any pictures, and hence, I needed Tessa's awesomeness to tag me to ACTUALLY make a post.

6th folder, 6th picture

I talked to Peter about posting this for a long time last night. I hope this doesn't come across in a bad light by any means.

This is two days before Peter and I were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. Next to being sealed to the most amazing man I have ever laid eyes on, and becoming a mother, this is probably the next most amazing experience of my life. I remember when my mother-in-law and father-in-law called me and told me that the First Presidency wanted to meet with us that day. I am pretty sure shock set in immediately. They also (obviously) wanted my parents there too. It was a big deal for my mom and dad, seeing as they are converts, from rural Montana, and this was just a BIG deal, as it should be. Many tears were shed, and many sleepless nights were had(I was pretty confident President Hinkley would take one look at me and take my recommend away.)

We got there an hour early, don't you worry. I think we left with enough time so that if our car broke down, I could walk and still be there in time. While sitting in the waiting room, President Faust came rolling by and made sure that we had been helped. They were kind enough to meet with us during their lunch break, AND on their one month of the year vacation. So we walked into the conference room, and they walked in one at a time, shook our hands and sat down. This was a little of our conversation:

Where did you meet? "Our student ward at BYU"

-President Monson taps President Hinkley on the sholder and says, "Chalk one up to Student Wards President."

What are you going to school for? "Accounting, Nursing(at the time, Then Bailey happened)

Then I think that President Hinkley forgot they asked this already

Where did you meet? (we decided to be more specific) We met in our Singles Ward at BYU, and more specifically in our FHE group.

-President Hinkley taps President Faust on the shoulder and says "Chalk one up to Family Home Evening!"

That was the funny part of the day. It was so interesting to see them interact together like that. You can tell that they have (had) an amazing friendship and bond.

It sure makes my heart go out to President Monson. He has lost so many dear friends over the last few years.

They then shared some advice and we made a little more small talk. That I will keep to my self, instead of publishing it to the World Wide Web.

What an amazing day. We will NEVER forget.

So I hope that no one is like, "Bragger" or,.. "She is just showing off", because this literally was Sixth and Sixth, and I debated posting something else.

I Tag, Amanda, Schamlly Pants, Rachel, and Julie(you need to update your blog for real girl!)


Season said...

What a cool experience. You will never forget that.

Congrats on another girl! (I know, I'm a little late in saying that.) Just so you know you are not alone, I have your same problems, not being able to buy the new baby clothes and a need for comfortable shoes during pregnancy. I think my feet have already swollen up, or grown.

jon and whit said...

WOW!! that's so awesome! I can't even imagine how intimidating that would be!! what an awesome experience :)

Jess said...

What an amazing experience!

Brittany said...

I just wanted to give another idea - I don't know about everyone else, but I'd love to see what your house looks like now that you're living in it. But, I totally know what you mean about being lazy. It's hard to do anything while you're prego. Good tag, though.

Katie Smith said...

Thanks for your comment and don't feel bad that you asked! I was just having a bad moment.

I love this post and it's so cool to hear from your perspective the way the general authorities interact. What a cool experience.

Oh, but don't deny that you totally think you're a "mormon celebrity" cause you pretty much are. :) I'm just teasing (that you think you are, I know you're not like that I just like to give you crap).

Also, I need your crafty help. I bought a little ribbon to make some girl bows and I totally suck at this stuff. I just can't seem to get the cute ribbon/flower combinations like you. Teach me all-crafty Amanda!!

Melanie, Shayne, Riley, Bently and Jaylen said...

Wow! What an amazing experience! I would be so nervous! But that would be so very cool! I am glad that you posted this picture instead of something else!

TC, Ashley said...

That is a really cool experience, Amanda! And I have never thought you and Peter were ones to brag. You have always seemed like very humble and down to earth people. I hope you are doing well in your new house!

Justin and Ashley said...

Such a neat experience. One you will never forget. I think its neat that you decided to share it. I can understand why it would be hard though. ...We need to catch up. I want to see your new house. I want to go to cafe rio together! Seriously can we?!?

Carrie Cudney said...

I loved that story! I'm so glad you shared it. Waht an amazing experience!

Katie Smith said...

Sorry for 2 comments, but you haven't made a new post (still nothing to blog about?) for me to respond to your comment.

First off, I love you and think you are so dang hilarious. Second, if you're ever in the neighborhood you better stop by. Believe it or not, only about 3 people have stopped by and I feel like a loser. Please, come see us whenever you'd like!!

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

That is so awesome. What a fabulous day that will forever be a memory to you and your family! Can't wait to see that new addition!!