Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just my Opinion

I don't like Obama. I know this isn't news to anyone.
I recently did my visiting teaching,.. I know right!? It's the 28th WORD?!? p.s. visiting teaching with Bailey=NIGHTMARE!! Anyway,.. the lesson I took from this months message was to protect YOUR family, and THE family. To hold strong to what we believe, and show the world what we believe. Along with this I think that we have many stages of life that we go through, and some stages are easier to hold The Proclamation to the Family as a banner to tell the world. With little ones, you are usually at home chillin' cause when you go out, and your kid throws tantrums, CPS gets called, right?!? That happens to everyone else right!? Well what I am saying is,..

I am here to hold this

as a banner to all. I believe in the family unit. I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, I BELIEVE in it!!! I KNOW THIS TO BE THE TRUTH!!!!!


When I get on here and make silly little comments like,..


I OBVIOUSLY don't think he is REALLY Lucifer, I just REALLY don't like his views on the family. I don't feel easy that the man running the free world thinks it's just fine and dandy to suck out the brain of a baby that is the same size of the living being inside my womb kickin' and if I gave birth today, with many issues she could live. That doesn't sit easy with me. SORRY!!!

I believe that although I don't like him, it is now my OBLIGATION to support him. I support him in the things that I agree with. But when it comes to the things I disagree with like oh Abortion, or this RIDICULOUS stimulus package (don't get me started) or this idea that the Government just owes everyone something (Remember that great guy who once ran the free world that said,.. "It's not what your country can do for you, it's about what you can do for your country"!??-John F. Kennedy) I am going to voice my disappointments, here, or in conversation, or where ever the heck I want. I am going to stand as a witness and a disciple of what the Lord's plan is, and I am going to do what I can to share that with the world. I am not going to just be "okay" with what Mr. President does and says just because he is the President. Thank Heavens for impeachment right!?

ME,.. MYSELF AND I,.. JUST ME,.. I am speaking for MYSELF,.. I don't like Obama,.. I don't like the idea that my children could look up to him. I STRONGLY disagree with a lot of his beliefs, and that's okay with me. SO,.. IF you disagree with me,.. that's FINE!!! I understand that A LOT of America disagrees with me,.. hence,.. Obama won the election!?!? I believe what I believe, I educate myself until I get SUPER frustrated, and then I have to wait a week to cool off,.. but I'm not going to change my mind that I REALLY don't like Obama. Thanks though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm not here FORCING anyone to read my rants about Obama, so by all means, you can skip them if you don't like them.


RATCH said...

I love you girl... and I love that you stand up for what you believe. I too believe everyone is entitled to their beliefs and opinions... ESPECIALLY on/in their own blog, home etc. I think that more and more people who are dissatisfied will begin to speak up. I am sick of being told that I am narrow minded, uneducated, bigoted or "un-American" etc. because of my beliefs. I think you are awesome.

me and him said...

sadly the world is making it harder and harder to stand up for our beliefs. slowly brainwashing us to believe that we shouldn't stand out as unusual or obscure when in fact, the opposite is true! we may feel like a minority when speaking out against a man who clearly should not be followed, let alone admired. but it's in standing up for these beliefs that we are respected. not by the world, but by Him! and isn't that what matters? keep it up manda! i admire your strength and your faith!

maggie-t said...

i don't check your blog very often, but I am glad i did today because i loved your post. you said exactly how i feel. sometimes i feel like i can't do anything to change whats going on and i am frequently afraid of offending people b/c of my beliefs. that is, of course, silly. i am so excited to see other people stand up for what they believe b/c it gives me the courage to do the same. thanks so much!

Brittany said...

I'm curious - did you get nasty comments on your last post or something? I totally agree with you and think it's great that we can voice our opinions - free country right? You just said exactly what I've been feeling.

Katie Smith said...

You're the best Amanda. It is a free world and we are all entitled to our opinions. Isn't that so wonderful!? Oh, and I LOVE that you did your visiting teaching and I loved the message this month. I am such a believer in the family and marriage between a man and a woman. I miss seeing you.

jon and whit said...

sorry- i meant to leave you a comment last time but then all of a sudden like 2 months went by.... i got those wall things at a place called Accent home decor here in logan! i got like $250 in gift cards there when we got married!!