Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where in the World is,...... Amanda Robbins.

Yeah,.. lame title, I know! You should be used to those by now!
It's been SO long! I can't believe myself right now. But don't you worry, I still stalk ya'll,.. My life is just usually consumed with, Wetting myself, Bailey wetting/pooping herself (that's acceptable for 20 months,.. no so much for 21 YEARS!?) Making a meal, cleaning up a meal(if I decide to do either!) Laundry,.. things ya'll don't care to hear about,.. other than wetting myself,..Right? Well, I'm sorry to inform you that it doesn't take flailing my entire chother(this is a combo of the words each and other,.. aka=body) down a flight of stairs in public, or even laughing hard these days. Bending over, or standing, or sitting, or breathing will do the trick just dandy thanks! So all ya'lls who's husbands are going to be doctors,.. if you would KINDLY invent some form of bladder repair that won't inhibit birthing future children, that would be FABULOUS! And if you could get on that like,.. NOW, that would be AWESOME possom!
-Just say no to soap boxes!-

BACK TO where in the world I have been the last few months!! It all started with an amazing weekend in Moab with the Robbins clan. ALWAYS a blast, NEVER short of adventure! Pictures to prove!

Since when did it snow in Moab? Since we planned a vacation there, that's when!!

I love this picture. Bailey is just SO used to being the center of the universe, Boy is she in for a massive wake up call!

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the SUPER fun trip to play with cousins and spend family time together!! We had a blast!!!

Some of my favorite moments of vacation are just hanging out in the hotel room, playing with Bailey and watching Bailey and her Daddy have entirely too much fun at such a late hour.

Then it was off to a CRAZY week of getting ready to leave my family for a week to rough it on their own (poor guys!) and an AMAZING wedding!!

Wedded Bliss

The Happy Married couple!Isn't she beautiful!? I was totally jealous!

I have a serious inability to pose normal in pictures.

Props to my mom for the cake! Isn't she amazing!?

So the preparation alone, for leaving my baby and husband for a week, deserved a vacation! ;) I'm kidding, cause let's face it,.. me,.. preparation!? Those in the same sentence is a MAJOR contradiction!! I usually think of myself as the person who walks through life with the mantra, "Procrastinate NOW,.. DON'T put it off!!" It's not workin' so well,.. but wudda ya do!? But I DID get the laundry done before I left!!! {insert applause Here!!} Thank you, Thank you!! So I headed off to New York with only two minor(really major) bawling sessions thinking that these would be the last kisses I gave my husband and child as I headed to the land of drunken hobos, and terrorist attacks. Plus I had never left Bailey, I KNOW, I'm sheltered, Shhhhhh,.. it's Peter's fault, he keeps me locked in this room with all padded walls,.. JAY KAY!!! ;) I am just addicted to that cute little face, chubby cheeks, being called Dada, changing poopoos, watching "MaMo"(Nemo) and "Gooey"(Goofey) 50 billions times a day, and last but not least, enduring serious abuse at the hands AND feet of a baby, whilst desperately trying to get the Poopoos off her squishy bum. Really I am addicted to it all,.. I can't not kiss her a BAZILLION times a day.

So with all those pictures and all the said,.. New York and Boston deserve their OWN post. Too many amazing things to mention, Wicked alone deserves it's very own post! And let's face it, we have all had enough of my rambling and all too numerous urine and poo comments to last us a few days!!
p.s. I feel the need to express my deep, utter loathing for Obama aka=Satan. Sorry if you like him.


Justin and Ashley said...

Wow! You did fall off the face of the planet, and you've been so busy while you've been gone! I love the picture the best of Bailey in between you two the very best too! She has such personality. :) You really went to Wicked!!!! I am so so so so jealous!!!

Tyler & Laura said...

Your posts always make me laugh so hard! I love it! You are hilarious :) It sounds like you've had some fun, I would love to go to New York! However, waddling like a duck up and down the streets would probably not help MY bladder! Oh yes. I hear you on that one! I let out one sneeze and I usually get a nice contraction and a lapse in bladder control. Don't you just love that?! Goll!

Jess said...

First off, Obama is Satan. Second, you're blog posts always make me laugh! I look forward to reading them.

Abbie said...

You ought to read what Megan McCain had to say about the President on Larry King Live:

Amanda said...

That link didn't work. I, ME,. personally REALLY doesn't like Obama, and his Special Olympics comment made my loathing run deeper. I hate to break it to ya, but no video is ever going to change my mind. I don't plan on trying to change your mind either. It's just a difference in opinion. Thanks though Abbie!

Katie Smith said...

My word kill me! Good thing I have maintained some bladder control despite birthing 3 children. Is that weird or what?

Anyway, Mike's grandma just had a botox injection in her bladder that is suppose to promote bladder control. Something to look into. I know, I'd rather have the botox somewhere else...

Abbie said...
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Abbie said...

Funny. It just worked for me. I think you would benefit from reading it.