Friday, January 15, 2010

My kid-lets

I feel like I haven't blogged about just the kiddos in a while, so here we go.
Bailey at 2 1/2

Totally Hamming it up for the Camera

I couldn't believe when it was 2 and the HALF kills me!!!!!!!!! But she is pretty fun(except as of late, the TOOD is outta control!)

-OBSESSED with Princesses,.. everything we do is tied into something princess. ie. changing her bum, is "mommy, you change my princess bum?" We do "Princess hair". We eat princess food,.. what can I say, I am just some gourmet chef I guess! ;)(peter stop laughing) We are
frequently asked to have princess dances.
-Suddenly does not like going to bed,.. :( She has NEVER faught me on bed time
-Attitude GALORE. The other day she got mad at me for telling her to do something and RAN into my room SCREAMING, turned around and scowled at me, SLAMMED the door jut to open it again and scowel at me and SLAM it again! Not to mention these LOVELY words we hear FAR too often. "Leave Alone Me Mom!,... I Diss Want to Me My MY Self!"
-Potty Training, is NOT happening. If I could just talk her into SITTING on the potty, that would be a step in the right direction!
-She has decided pushing the kitchen stools around is really fun and insists on being by my side at all times,.. we do our Make-up together, cook together,.. and now that I think about it, I wish we could go to the bathroom together too. ;)
-Has been picking at her lips NON STOP until they bleed,.. :( It kills me.-She has decided that Chloe is REALLY fun to play with. I can't believe how much they love each other.


SIX MONTHS OLD?!?!?! Why can't babies stay little longer? It really isn't fair.

-LOVE LOVE LOVES Bailey. If Bailey even comes NEAR her she starts kicking her legs and has a GIANT smile, and starts talking. And if Bailey is being spastic enough the giggles set in,.. SUPER cute!
-She CAN roll over but is just content on her back. She can sit up pretty well by her self
-Is ALWAYS constipated.
-Sweet Potatoes are her FAVORITE
-Green Beans are NOT
-SUCH a mamma's girl (and maybe I like it)
-Usually sleeps through the night, and I sometimes like getting up with her when she does wake up. She just is always so happy to see me, even at 3am and she is "STARVING". The house is silent and it's just me and her. Love it!
-TWO teeth!
-Still SUPER fat, and I love every roll.
-Has the worlds LONGEST and DEEPEST Butt Crack on the planet. See,......
In a nut shell,.. Chloe is full of Joy and is such a happy Baby. I always thought Bailey was the best baby ever,.. and Chloe MIGHT,.. just MIGHT be a better baby!


Newton said...

How beautiful!! I love Bailey's little voice!! I wish there was a button on here that I could push to hear her say all those things! Maybe a video of the whole 'slam the door and scowl' scene! Hilarious! Fun!

Mandy said...

They are so cute! I love the fact that she has those plastic high heels on...why do all us girls insist on wearing those horrible little shoes when we are young! Then just move to a way more expensive version when we are old? They are adorable!

Ashley said...

Your little girls are toooo cute! I know what you mean about the tude! Penny acts like a teenager already and says stuff like, "whatever!" and slams the door in my face and locks it all the time! She is also super into princess stuff! don't worry, Penny just turned 3 and we still don't have potty training down. She will go on the potty, just not consistently.....Hailey used to be constipated all the time too. The only thing that help was pears. Now she is teething like crazy and has super runny poos all the time! Weird how that happens! I think our girls would have som much fun together!

Lori said...

Oh, so cute! I can't believe how big Bailey is getting!! And it's insane how much babies grow in the first 6 months. Seriously, you blink and it's over. Sheesh!

Brandon . Ash . Bennnett said...

I just love you guys!

Mel and David said...

Somehow I missed this post... it didn't show up on my blog that you had updated your blog. EW makes me mad!

I love this post and I miss you and your girls so much! WE NEED A GIRLS DAY.... sitting around eating cafe rio :(

um, yes please.

Oh and ps I already knew this but everytime I read your blog I think "Amanda is the best mom."


(do you see that!?) my word verification was flumst... a lot like "flu-mist" what? weird! Even your blog wants you to get vaccinated. jay kay

Amanda said...

I love that not so little butt crack!!! oh my gosh, those girls are the cutest, how do you even stand it?!

and yeah, this post didn't show up on my blog list either. dang.