Friday, February 11, 2011

Being Sassy Pants' Mom

Bailey is just so,.... well,.... Sassy.  Our morning started out great! She was happy to be awake, and totally content watching her shows on the computer with a sippy cup of Chocolate Milk and a Pop Tart. (Breakfast of Champions, compliments of Daddy-Cakes)  

Chloe bum was a little angel and slept in until,.... drum roll please,...... 11 O'CLOCK!!  (I have no tricks to make my children love sleeping so much,. but I am just grateful they do!)  

Great way to start the day, egh??

Bailey's attitude got a good kick start right before we headed out the door to get groceries.  She didn't WANT to wear brown shoes!  Duh,... how could I possibly not know that?  

Then,.. we were headed to Costco,.. well,.. she doesn't WANT to go to Costco,.. she wants to go to the Red Circle store,.. (Target) and look at the Princesses!  So of course the pouting begins upon arrival at Costco.  A nice employee stops to say hello and Bailey literally sticks out her tongue and spits at the man.  gaul!  Kill me now,.. and so I gave her a strong talking to, and then it was sobbing the rest of the shopping trip.  The second we walk out of the store,.. life is great, grand wonderful again,.. until we get in the car and I won't let her have gum.   Well then the water works set in again and she was INSISTING that I take her to her Daddy's office so he can spank me cause he will be SO mad at me for being so mean to her.

We get to Target and it was pretty much the same thing,.. except this time she SCREAMED all the way out of the store because I wouldn't take her to look at the toys.  I always know that if I keep walking she will follow me,.. screaming,.. but at least we are getting where we need to go,... but if I stop,.. she will flail on the floor.  (I am getting smart people!)  I had two people stop and tell me,... "It gets easier, I promise" and "Oh hunny,.. it's down hill from here!" 

REALLY people?  I know what I was like as a teenager,.. and I am pretty sure that this behavior will just be 12 more years experienced.  

So please,.. Remember the Robbins Family in your prayers from now on, until the year 2027,.. when Bailey hits 20.   Thanks!


RATCH said...

Ha ha! She is so funny. :)

Mel and David said...

Haha! I love that people felt the need to comment! Awesome! At least they were encouraging and not about calling CPS.

Melissa said...

She is just Adorable :) I love her! :D

Domestic Bliss(ters) said...

Just reading through your blog, I'm SO glad I'm not the only one that has these daily battles. Sometimes (when I talk to other mom's who say 'my boys were calm and never really required that much attention', etc, and I'm saying 'I have to wait until Tyson's nap to shower otherwise I may get out to no child because he ran away, or a flooded bathroom, or a shaved Tyson face, etc.'), I want to cry! And he sure is full of sass too, I know the feeling of walking through the store while their screaming, it's wonderful (NOT!). I'm glad she'll follow you out of the store though, Tyson will not, in fact, he'll run towards said toys, no amount of threats working to slow him down or make him turn around. And the looks I get when he's flailing on the ground screaming are really kind and make me feel like an awesome mom (not, again). Anyway, hoping it's just a phase. And, I haven't had him be super rude to people yet (except for the lady in line at disneyland that he punched multiple times in the butt, but I think he thought it was me?). Good luck with her, she is adorable!