Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Day of School

I know,.. It's not August 29th.  

But Bailey has out grown most naps(she still takes 2-3 a week).  And is driving me crazy because of it.  She is just BORED,.. and the kids in our neighbor hood that she plays with,.. all go to school.  So we put Bailey in,.. I kinda feel like I am feeding her to the sharks,.. because she is starting so late in the year.  I talked to her teacher and everything sounds like she is just going to be able to jump right in.  It's not like they are going to test her in Pre-school.  So I dropped her off this morning with her friends and she was just giggling with excitement and had the same face on when I picked her up.  I had forgotten to warn them of the Sass level,.. but it sounds like Bailey's true colors shinned when they went to singing class and Bailey screamed at everyone to sit down and be quiet.  (that's my girl!)  

that little turkey never looks at the camera anymore.  Much to my dismay.

1 comment:

Wes and Dani said...

LOVE her outfit. What a fashionista!