Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had such a fun weekend!
Friday: We went to Centerville to visit the fam! Peter's sister Rachel and her family bought a new home a few months ago and have been through the ringer with all of the renovations. We stopped by to take a gander and it is coming along BEAUTIFULLY! Rachel has a knack for putting things together and having that vision people talk about! Then we went over to his brother's house to play with the kids and try to be helpers before Emily left for China. I hope we were helpers but she MADE us sleep in their bed, I think it was the best night of sleep I have had in a long while. It was THE most comfortable king size bed I have ever seen,.. well felt I guess!

Saturday: After watching Gabe, and Noah, and Eve while Emily ran some last errands before the big trip, we met up with some dear friends in Park City and had a BLAST shopping! Well,.. the girls had a blast shopping, I am pretty sure that if we had been without the husbands, we could have shopped MUCH longer! In fact, the last store we went into Peter and Christian got a little bored and this is what happened!
The kid that took this picture was a handi-tard,.. Peter was sitting next to Chris! But this was the only picture I got of all of us!

After a long day of shopping we all hung out and played games! It was great to be able to just relax and have fun with friends.

Alina was enjoying pulling out her Daddy's eyes and Hair!

Sunday: The usual,.. Church! I know I WENT to church, as in walked in the doors and attempted to listen for 3 hours but I am pretty sure I didn't hear a thing. As sad as that is to admit,.. Bailey is just at that stage where she knows that she can walk and so she wants to be down doing so. It makes church sooooo much harder. At least I am giving the Lord SOMEWHAT of a chance to touch my spirit lacking soul! After church, I acted in behalf of Peter's home teaching companion and went to go teach his family. (Bailey's future in-laws) we got home at 4:59 pm,.. I kicked off my shoes,.. and then I heard a knock at the door. It was OUR home teachers! (My house was disgusting!!!) I was sooooo embarrassed to let them in but I didn't really have a choice! Peter forgot and I never knew about it! As soon as they left we went to Dinner for Alicia's Birthday! Happy Birthday Alicia! And my mom came down from Logan to enjoy the festivities. She decided to stay with us that night.

Happy Birthday Alicia!! (we usually have cheese cake as birthday cake in our family!)

Monday: My sweet husband let me sleep in and then made my mom and I breakfast in the morning. It was Delish! Thanks babe! Then Mo came over and we HAD to make new headbands for the new clothes that were purchased on Sat! So Headbands were made, and bracelets and while the Boys were at Indiana Jones, we watch 27 Dresses. It was a really fun weekend.

Tuesday!: We couldn't let the fun stop on Monday so we extended the weekend fun-ness! Mo teaches 5th grade and they had their end of the year trip to Seven Peaks. Peter and I got season Passes and thought that yesterday would be the PERFECT day to break them in and have some fun in the sun! Most of the stuff wasn't open while we were there but Bailey had a BLAST in the wave pool and kept wanting to go in the deep end with Daddy. I took so many pictures that I will just put a collage of the good ones!

I know you are asking,.. Is Bailey wearing a matching headband for her SWIMSUIT? Well the answer to that is YES,.. Yes she is! She also has a matching towel!

This is what happens to Mommy when she says she doesn't need sunscreen!

Peter was right! (I can't believe I just said that!) It's actually not as bad as it seems,.. just a little sore,.. no blisters or anything! The stinky part of it all is I didn't put sunscreen on so that my legs and face would get a little sun,.. they both must be SO white that the sun couldn't even get to them because they really got NOTHING! I'm really bugged about it too! Oh well! (p.s. I am wearing clothes in this picture! Pete was putting aloe on it and I didn't believe him about how bad it was!)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Big Helper,.. For sure a Girl!

So usually on the weekends, I am a big waste of space. I really don't think that Peter would disagree with that statement. So that means that whatever is cooked, if there is cooking, usually doesn't get cleaned up until Monday,.. oh probably afternoon at the earliest! So yesterday O actually did something around the house. I unloaded the dishwasher and went to go change a load of laundry(I know what you are thinking,.. I DID BOTH??,.. why yes I did,.. I exerted some form of energy yesterday!) and when I came back this is what I found.

I about DIED laughing. My little helper thought that it would be sooooo helpful to place her shoes in the little silverware dispencer. What a funny girl. When I took them out, after much praise (I would never do anything to disourage help with dishes,.. why do you think I had a kid?) I placed them on the floor and Bailey ran over picked up OUR (yes both of our) favorite pair of shoes and carried them around the house for about an hour and finally dropped them when Daddy came home. He is funner to play with!
Don't mess with a women and her shoes!
Total Girl!
On another note,.. for Family Home evening, some friends from our ward called us to see if we wanted to meet them for family(and friends) home (out)eating at DQ. So we found the most ghetto patch of grass in town and played for quite some time. It was really fun! We are so blessed to have such an amazing ward, and to have made such wonderful friendships. Of course I took a ton of pictures for blogging purpouses!

I love kissing Baby pictures! What Cute kids!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just for Rach!

A - Attached or Single: Attached to put it lightly! I am kind of addicted to him too!

B - Best Friend: Peter is of course my best BEST BEST friend in the world,.. I have lots of Besties though!

C - Cake or Pie: Can I have my cake and pie and eat them both?

D - Day of Choice: Saturday, especially when Peter drops one of his 3 jobs and we can actually spend the day together!

F - Favorite Color: Umm,.. I hate this question! I am too indecisive,.. I love all the colors and that doesn't mean I am gay!

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Ooh,.. I think worms,.. but the sour kind with the sugar on the out side,. it's more healthy that way!

I-Indulgence(s): too many to name! My thighs will tell you food in general, but craft stuff probably! I can't really control my self when I walk into Roberts or Michales!

J - January or July: Hands Down, July! It's the month we got married, Bailey was ALMOST born in July, it's the best month of summer, Bear Lake is a family favorite weekend destination, usually including Spring Haven. It's like one full month of Fireworks, Fun in the Sun, Family time, and BBQ's! Amazing!

K - Kids: One today,.. Many many more to come!

M - Marriage Date: July 20, 2006

N - Number of Siblings: 4 brothers, Dan, Dave, Tom and Bob, and 2 Sisters, Deb and Beck ( yes I realize I am the only 2 syllable child in my family!)

O - Oranges or Apples: Oranges

P- Phobias or Fears: Umm,.. I am always DEATHLY afraid Peter is going to die. I know it is a horrible thing to think about, but I don't think I could ever live without him. I think the Lord knows to never do that to me because I couldn't handle it!

Q - Quote: "Life isn't about trying to make it through the storm, it's learning to dance in the rain." I could go on for hours with my favorite quotes, but this is a new one that I have stumbled upon and loved!

R - Ring size: I do believe it is an 8, I have man hands and im a little self conscious about it okay!?

S - Season: Anything but Winter! I am freakidy-freakin ready for summer already! Where is the sun already?

T - Tag 3 Friends: Umm,..I don't want to guilt anyone in to doing this,.. but if you want to go for it!

U - Unknown fact about Me: It's not very unknown,.. but I pee my pants, a lot!,.. maybe daily!

V - Very favorite stores: Any craft store, Tai Pan, Does Cafe' Rio count as a store?

W - Worst Habit: Dr. Pepper

X - X-ray or Ultrasound: Ultrasound, I have never had an X-ray,.. but it was amazing to see Bailey for the first time!

Y - Your Favorite Food: Look at me,.. Anything edible would be the answer!

Z-Zodiac: Aries (what does that even mean anyway?)

I feel like I have to add a picture to every post! Call me OCD!?
I love Naked Baby Bums! This is Bailey and her cousin Eve!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

We had SUCH a great weekend. We kicked it off with staying at the Cabin on Friday night and inviting our ward up to enjoy the fun. We had a great dinner and made some great memories with some great friends up there. SO to all of our ward buddies that read my blog,.. thanks for coming!

Hot picture I know!

We woke up at the cabin to the sound of the rushing water in the creek and it was a wonderful sound to wake up to. We ate a big FAT breakfast and then headed back to Provo. My mom and dad come down from Logan for Mother's Day and we decided that we needed to take some time out to go the temple together since we hadn't been since my marriage almost 2 years ago. It was so great to sit in the Lords house and really stop and think about life. I personally hadn't been in about 5 months.

So to get pretty personal here I just want to share what I was thinking and feeling while I was there. The last 3 months or so I have been feeling really depressed and I just couldn't figure out what the heck was wrong. I am SOOO happy with my marriage and I am SOOOO happy being a mother and other than hating having Peter gone lots because of school, there isn't ANYTHING in my life that I am discontent with. So I thought, I musht be depressed and so I went to the Dr. and it didn't take much convincing the Dr, that I had clinical depression. I took the medicatin for a week and was talking to my BFF Melanie who is going to Pharmacy School and after a few hours of talking about things I felt like I had gone to the Dr to get the cure all pill. I personally feel like depression medication is a wonderful thing and it helps people and overall it is a WONDERFUL thing, don't get me wrong. If you know me very well you may know that I am fairly lazy, and lack a sence of self control when it comes to many things, mostly cleaning! Well I was hoping that a pill would cure it,.. and I am just trying to self medicate my problems that a pill won't fix.

Well,.. while being in the temple I just kept having these strong feelings that this was the medication that i needed. Going to church is wonderful, but it is SOOO hard for me to hear ANYTHING in those 3 hours that I have been going on a spiritual starvation. Along with other things in my life that the Lord was able to counsel me about, this was the one that I left feel like the Lord really knows me and knows what I am going through and I really needed his guidance.

Sorry LONG story I know! Anyway, I decided to take my camera with me and I snapped some pictures of my crazy family evening! I love my family and we really have a lot of fun together!!

My favorite picture of Bailey this week! I hope she doesn't hate me for having these when she is older! I just about died laughing thinking about showing her boyfriends this!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Chronicles of BU

BU=Bum Urine
So for the last WEEK! That's right,.. 7 days! Bailey has had the runs to the max! I got really worried about her yesterday and so I took her in to the doctor and they found out that she has an ear infection. I know,.. I had the same thought diarrhea=ear infection!? Well no,.. actually they just happened to look in her one ear and found the infection. So they gave me medicine for her ear and asked me to get a stool sample.
This is what is going through my head when they asked me to catch her poo in a tupperware container,....... what am I supposed to do tape the container to her bum and hope that she has half decent aim? The poo can't have touched the diaper so that left me to get creative,.. what can I put IN her diaper that won't absorb the very liquid fecal matter?


Oh yes I did,.. I lined her diaper with saran wrap! I knew it was going to be disastrous but you gotta do what you gotta do! My thoughts upon doing this were,.. her diaper doesn't even absorb her poo at this point so I knew it was going to be bad. Sure enough, a few minutes later I look over and see her mustard poo up to the middle of her back,.. literally DRIPPING down her leg. So I SCRAMBLED to find the container and had her stand so that the poo wouldn't just run out,.. carefully pulled off her diaper and it just oozed everywhere anyway. Bailey thought it was great to try and play with her poo, and the only thing on my mind was to catch SOME,.. ANY in this container because I was not about to attempt this a second time. Luckily for me, and Bailey I guess, got what we needed,.. a Shower,.. kidding!

The weird part of all of our poo adventures is that she does NOT,.. I repeat does NOT have a sore bum. I am quite certain that this is a miracle of sorts because she poos AT LEAST 4 times a day. She isn't dehydrated, and she is still pretty happy! I don't get it!

I am also up to my ears in Laundry! I have to do a load a day to have enough clothes for her pretty much. Maybe that just means that I need to go shopping!!? Peter would beg to differ on that.

Well,.. hopefully the chronicles of BU will end here.

But here is a SUPER funny picture I got of Bailey this week that brought a smile to my face! Kisses for everyone!!