Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I LOVE my mom. She is fabulous!! I have blogged a little about her before but recent events(nothing serious, I'm never serious people!) have given me a NEED to blog all about her.

Patti Ella Smart Bateman

I laugh every time I hear her full name. I don't know who made it up, and I will never let her live it down, but people used to call her "fatty smella fart" when she was younger. I'm not smart enough to have made that up on my own, but MAN it's funny.
ahhhhhh,.. so funny!
We had a FAB-U-LOUS family party this last weekend here at the new pad. My mom is a saint and took a day off work to come help me, which after last week, I DEEPLY needed some help. She fulfilled the physical, we are still waiting on the mental help. My mom filled and started the dishwasher before she left, which was GREATLY appreciated. I went to empty it the next morning to find it full of these:

Don't even worry, she even tried to convince me to wash off some cling wrap and re-use it.

If this recession gets real bad, I'm gonna have to call in the mamma reinforcements to teach me to be more conservative,.... with plasticware.

Oh Mom! You kill me!

But really,.. I love this woman, and all her little CRAZY quirks!

Her frequent crying spells
Her "accidents" in Sacrament meetings,.. all of the many different ones!
Her gullible-ness
Her bad driving skills(yes I know that sentence is an oxy-moron)

And her AMAZING traits
Her ability to teach
Her strong testimony and faith
Her unwavering love for her children
Her constant desire to serve anyone and everyone
Her beautiful smile
Her love for her ancestors
Her Love for her grandchildren
I could go on and on and on.

Mom, I love you, and I am grateful for you! You're AWESOME!!!

Love, your baby girl!!


Jess said...

Hey Amanda, it's Jess. I saw on your facebook profile you had a blog so I decided to check it out. I hope you don't mind. I'm really glad you have a blog cause I don't do much on facebook, I'm more of a blogger. I just have a question for you, is the e-mail address you have on your blog the one you use all the time? I would like to send you an invite to my blog. Thanks!

Mel and David said...

Patti, I too love you! I would like to second everything that Amanda just said. You are amazing and I am so glad that i know you! I would like to add that you make an amazing spinach strawberry salad, and cinn rolls and lucky me... You make amazing cakes!

me and him said...

so cute. your mom is the greatest! and she did an excellent job on sunday so i hope that's not the "accident" you're talking about. she's great!

Katie Smith said...

Your Mom sounds awesome. No wonder you're so cool! You gotta love Mom's. I sure wish I wouldn't have spent all of those years being a dumb teenage girls and not realizing how wonderful my mom was all along.

Amanda said...

I love your mom too!!! What a cute post =).

Amanda said...

jess , do send me an invite to your blog at!!!