Oh Bailey. I just need to document some things. Bare with me.
"Dats dangerous, I too widdle Mommy!"
(When I tell her to DO something she doesn't want to do)
"Dats NOT Funny!!!"
"But dats funny mommy"
(When DOES something I DON'T want her do)
I was lyng in bed the other morning nursing Chloe, and Bailey come barrelling into our room, JUMPS on our bed, looks at me,.. slaps my Butt and yells "BUTT!" then slaps my boob and yells "BOOPS!" and continued doing this until I gained enough composure to make her stop.
"Litte Pincesses" have become action figures. I frequently catch them fighting,.. most recently fighting over who was a "pincess". Cause there can only be one princess you know. AND,.. they really like to ready Bailey books.
Today Bailey was reading Goodnight Moon to me while I was cooking dinner and Chloe was taking a nap. It's been a while since we had read this one. (Daddy usually does the night time books) And Bailey starts really reading me this book. She knew the saying that went with every object, She came to "the lady whispering hush" and said that, and I was so surprised and excited, and I told her that, and she slammed the book closed and said,.. "Chloe sleeping Mommy,.. Shush!!!!!!!!" Well,.. PARDON ME!!
If I dare stop the vehicle, I get to go through this conversation every time.
Bailey- "Go mommy GO!!!"
Me-"I can't Bailey,.. we stop at Red lights. What do we do when it turns Green?"
Bailey-"Green's name's means GO!"
Me-"That's right! What do we do at a Red Light"
Bailey-"Red Light's name's means STOP!"
Me-"Good Job! What does a Yellow Light mean?"
Bailey-"Yellow lights name's means Slow DOWN!"
Then there was the special moment when asked about a yellow light,.. "Stop FASTER!"
On a not funny quote note,..
Bailey is a hoarder,..........................of food,........................in her mouth.
It's SOOO buggy. I noticed a few weeks ago that after dinner,.. she was running around house with something in her cheek. So when I asked her what she was eating, and she did her, look up and to the left, and DON'T SAY A WORD, bit. (Super annoying) and so I open her mouth, and there is dinner,.. stuffed in her cheek. I didn't really care the first time, and probably not even second time. But now I am SUPER annoyed by it. Today we had tuna fish sandwiches for lunch,.. after an hour went by, and there was still tuna in her cheek, I told her she could eat it, or go to her bed,... she ended up going to her bed,... so from the beginning of lunch until I went up and got her up from her nap it was a whopping FIVE hours......................Don't even worry, she still had a cheek FULL of Tuna!!! (I realize the choking hazard in this, and also the teeth rotting factor, for which I am severely annoyed that my child hoards food in her mouth. GAH!!!!)