Monday, March 15, 2010

8 Months

My little cowgirl or Cowboy-girl as Bailey calls it
I can't even believe that Chloe is 8 months old already. She has had a YUCKY bout of RSV this last week and is doing SOOOOO much better. This amazing lady who I serve with in scouts HOOKED us up with some natural oils and ear drops(she also had a double ear infection) and here we are 5 days later and Chloe is almost 100% better, with a little bit of a yucky cough still, but MAN am I a convert to this stuff. It's amazing!

So,.. ode to Chloe,.. she is so sweet. She isn't very motivated to crawl,.. she still doesn't even like to be on her tummy. But I noticed today she is a bum scooter. She moved about 5 feet in 20 minutes,.. I know,.. super fast! So who knows,.. maybe that is just going to be how she moves. I cannot express how sweet she is,.. she is always just all smiles and happy, even when Bailey is poking her eye and "squeezing her's cheeks" and SCREAMING in her face,.. "I Need more kisses!" and then attacking her to do so. I know it's all for love, but that poor baby can't catch a break! Bailey is going to be SO excited when Chloe really starts playing with her! (I will be too!)
3 teeth on the bottom, and the top two will be popping through ANY day now. I just want to kiss her chubby cheeks all day and tickle her all the time,.. she snorts when she laughs and it about does me in every time.
Oh goodness,.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my girls!

And,.. EVERYONE loves her!!! This picture is CLASSIC and I LOVE it!! Chloe being the center of attention to all the girls, Bailey screaming, and Spencer, no doubtedly, bugging her(No offence Amanda!) (he is his father's child!)


Brandon . Ash . Bennnett said...

Ok, so I COULD NOT stop laughing when I read that post about Bailey. I really COULD NOT stop!!! She is too cute for words. That attitude just cracks me up. I can't wait for Bennett to say funny things like that. :) Oh and your swing is SAVING our lives!!!!!! He still doesn't sleep but it is helping. Thanks! Hugs.

Amanda said...

Everyone does love Chloe! She is just so darn loveable! I cannot believe she is 8

Also, I know all too well that Spencer tortures people on purpose, for the fun of it. Dang that father of his. =)