Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dreams and Wishes and Stars

It's not news to anyone when I say Bailey has an attitude,... a BIG one!

Scene: In my bathroom, fixing my hair, Chloe in her Jenny Jump Up, and Bailey completely "Maked" (as she says it)

Background to the situation: Bailey has these little clip-on earrings from her Princess Dress ups. She thinks they are hair clips. And usually she tries to clip them in MY hair when I am changing Chloe's diapers, and it's SO annoying because she usually only gets a hair or two and just pulls them out and it hurts.

And Action:

Me: "Bailey, do NOT clip that in your sisters hair! That will hurt her!"

Bailey: (stops and looks at me and stands up, runs to the door and yells in a very angry tone)

"Mommy! You are Ruining my Dreams! You are Ruining my wish on a star make my dreams come true!!!!!"

SLAMS the door,..Opens the door, scowls at me, SLAMS the door again"

Me: Hysterical laughter

The end.

p.s. Someone is a big girl and is totally potty trained (except for sleeping) It took very little effort on my part,.. just a little nudge in the right direction and some tinkle treats. It's SOOOO wonderful!

I am so glad I am FINALLY potty trained! I sure love tinkle treats!

Tee Hee

Just kidding!

p.p.s Chloe has RSV,.. and I am newly converted to homeopathics. AMAZING!


Newton said...

Hilarious!! The whole thing!! Just hilarious!! Where on earth does she come up with that stuff???

RATCH said...

LOve her guts!

Mason & Laura said...

ahhhhahaha, that is SO adorable! LOVE it!:)