Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Thanks Laura. I needed an excuse to blog.

1. I have a serious addiction to Dr. Pepper. It's bad people. I fully parallel my addiction to that of an alcoholic's addiction, except I can drink it and drive.

2. I can't NOT pick at a zit. If I know I have one, I can't stop thinking about it until it's popped. Peter does not understand this ONE bit. I literally feel a wave of relief as the flaming pustule of redness and goo, oozes it's deadly infectious seepage all over the mirror. (don't you feel relief!?)

3. It's no secret that I have giant "boops". At one point, I even had what we affectionately called my third boob in my arm pit. It was AWESOME. (except for that one time when I was engorged when my milk came in after I had Bailey)

4. Sometimes I say things that I shouldn't. Like talking about my boobs on my blog.

5. When I watch American Idol, I start thinking about auditioning and think, I could ROCK that competition. Then I try and sing and remember I sound FAR too similar to a fog horn.

6. I just admitted out loud this week that I totally had a crush on my high school choir teacher. (stop laughing peeps from High School)

7. When I am gearing up for a serious cleaning(it's rare but it happens sometimes) I HAVE to,.. I MEAN HAVE to start by making my bed. Even if I have no intentions of cleaning in my bed room,.. Most of the time "serious cleaning" means doing dishes,.. and it still has to be made. {I know most people probably make their bed as soon as they get out of it,.. and my mom tried her darnedest to instill that in me,.. and it didn't happen. }

8. I dance and sing in the car. LOUDLY. and people stare at me. Probably because I use whatever I can reach, as a microphone. It was Bailey's toy giraffe yesterday. I know I am crazy.

9. When I am tired, I make up words, and then proceed to laugh hysterically to the point of tears when I realize how really retarded I truly am. (ie. quirpy, confusive, skitzafoid, Norwegia)

10. I am not detail oriented. Which means I am really bad at a lot of things. Sewing,.. If you don't care that most of your "straight" lines look like you are on a zig zag setting, you probably shouldn't be behind a sewing machine. If you are painting a wall, and you think to your self,.. it's just a little bit of paint on the ceiling, no one will look up anyway,.. you probably shouldn't be painting. If you are cooking and think you are exempt from using measuring cups and spoons,.. that can be a problem. This is me. Oh well. Pete loves me and all my little quirps! ;)

Tag: Rachel, Schmalgal, Amanda Twinner Pants Magoo


Mel and David said...

Oh my gosh! I loved reading these.... sometimes (most times) you surprise me what you admit to the public AND I LOVE IT! But I am afraid I wouldn't be this open... What exactly does this tag require? (ps I love being tagged)


Lee & Kindra said...

That is funny. I sure miss hanging out with you and laughing til I hurt!

Ps. You have to tell me what font you are using. I MUST KNOW!

knitress of the night said...

ha. the zit thing. thats me all the way. lets start a facebook page for people like us.

megan and darin said...

that last one was me. i've go too many e-mail addresses going too many places. sorry

RATCH said...

I don't know what the questions are to do the tag... is it just randomeness?

Jess said...

Amanda, you crack me up! And hey, our choir was the best looking male teacher there.