Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dear #311

Well, tomorrow is the big day! We are outta here! We have been very blessed to live in this apartment/condo for the last 7 years for Peter(he's like an original at the Mont) and 2 1/2 years for me. So with THAT said, I now must list all the reasons we are so grateful to be kissing it good bye. For those that don't know about where we are, the complex we live in is MOSTLY single students, I would say it's about 100 students to every family here. That doesn't count the big student complex across the street that is over crowded with overly happy BYU students. So on with our list:
We are glad to move into a house/move out of an apartment:
-a garage aka no more scrapping snow in the morning!
-the garbage isn't a mile away
-nor is the mailbox
-AGHHHHHH,.. No more 2 flights of stairs with a baby, groceries, a Dr Pepper, and Big Ole' Mickey Mouse(probably my number 1 reason I am glad to move)
-Storage .
-Jan I love you, but no more midget couches :)
-A king size bed
-a laundry ROOM
-the toilet has it's own room in the M. Bedroom (the singing you are hearing, is heavenly angels!)
-No more fights in the stair-well
-No more midnight calls to the good ole' Provo Police Station
-(Literally while we were putting this list together at midnight) Fireworks RIGHT outside our window AT 12! It doesn't matter the time of year either.
-fireworks IN OUR STAIRWELL!
-crappy parking all over Provo
-no more loud people RIGHT outside our window just getting home from parties
-no more cable to waste my time with
Well, needless to say we are excited to move,.. but NOT excited to MOVE,.. ya know what I mean? I just needed to sit down and take a break, and what a better thing to break to, but blogger! I feel like I have a million things to blog, but it will have to wait. So prepare yourself for some major updating, and soon to come, Post move-in pictures!! I can't wait, can you!??!?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Joy OH Joy!

Katie, I, in-part, blame you for this! ;) I am totally kidding!
We are SOOOO excited to move, but it seems like things keep coming up that seem more important than spending our first night in our new house. Which is fine by me, KINDA, because it means that I can keep procrastinating packing. Some of the best advice I have ever been given is this quote "Procrastinate NOW,.. Don't put it off!" Thank you Ellen! I think I am going to get vinyl letters and put that over the T.V. Good Idea eh!?
Anyway, (Tangent!) It hasn't REALLY hit me that we are moving, and what an adjustment it is actually going to be.
-Peter is ACTUALLY done with school, that day DOES come guys!!!
-Peter is ACTUALLY working full time, in his CAREER!
-New Baby on the way
-New Ward
-A driveway to shovel
-A yard to take care of
-An extra few thousand square feet of house to clean YIKES!
-Bailey is getting a big girl bed, so is Mommy! (Queen to King baby!!!)
-Last but defiantly NOT least,.. A New Ward
It all hadn't really hit me until yesterday in Relief Society. We get a new RS Presidency, and it hit me like a TON of bricks, not only is the RS Prez changing, but I AM MOVING!!!! We are going to miss our ward TERRIBLY!! We have made SUCH amazing friends, and I don't know why I am having such a hard time letting go of our ward, but I AM!
I have never been sad to leave a ward before. Never EVER!
No offence to Billings People, but leaving Montana was the best thing that ever happend to my family, because as you all know, life was a struggle for us there.
Graduating High School meant, SINGLES ward, and older men/Returned Missionaries, EVERY 18 year old girls DREAM! HALLELUJAH!!!
I never got that attached in any singles ward I was in.
So that leaves me here. Sitting in RS, watching Katie cry, and it started, the UGLY cry set in and I COULD NOT CONTROL IT!! I am telling you, sure as day, that those tears would NOT stop flowing, THANK YOU FETUS! I am pretty sure it was an accumulation of the stress of moving, and getting everything done, and trying to make sure that the furniture matches, and trying to keep up with regular life, AND being preggers. I was so embarrassed to look up and see the Bishop and his cute wife staring at me like, Girl, you've got issues while also worrying I may pass out from the lack of O2, and dehydration, from the amount of Salt Water steadily flowing. I'M GOING CRAZY PEOPLE!!!!!!! I AM MY MOM WHO BAWLS AT THE OPENING OF A NEW GROCERY STORE,.. yes, she cried when the new Macey's opened in Providence!
So, as an ode to my ward buddies,.. I LOVE YOU guys! Thanks for being the best ward I have ever lived in, I do believe! I could name each person and elaborate on how awesome you are, but I won't. Just know I love your guts, so don't forget me cause I move 2 cities away -K-!? I might just invite my self to all the Mother's Groups and come, even though I am no longer invited! I'll bribe you with treats!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Girly Girl

An old picture, but one of my very favorites!!

Bailey kills me. I don't know where she learned to be so funny, but she did, and I LOVE it! I just laugh at her all day!

Bailey got a stroller for her "beeby", and has found my stash of empty bags and really enjoys putting them on her stroller, and RUNNING around the house, and furniture all day! Along with her stroller, Santa brought her some jewelry and she loves her bracelets, and necklace. She puts them on and prances around because she is "Petty". She gathers her "socks" actually they are her shoes ( I will explain) and puts them in the seat of the stroller. It's really cute!

We were out to dinner with my brothers last night and Dave was holding Bailey and she stole his onions that were cut in a circle, and put them on her wrist as bracelets, and we all laughed! What a funny baby!

She is learning so many words everyday, I can't even believe it. I will be really glad when a choice 4 letter word, isn't so fun to say anymore. She likes to say anything that ends in "K". She didn't learn it anywhere, that I know of, she really just puts things before the letter "K". So I stole this idea from a friend because she is learning so fast, I compiled some of my favorites and her meanings for these words.

-"Stuck" and "Stick", all day everyday!

-Mickey Mouse is "Mouk", and she LOVES to watch him in the morning!

-she is Mamma's little "Monk"(ey),

-When DaDa leaves for work, she cries for a minute, and comes and sits in my lap and says "Back?" until I say, yep, Daddy will be right back!
-Even though she knows I am Mamma, she still calls me DaDa, and then giggles, she knows it bugs me, IM MAMMA!!!

-She does the same thing with her Shoes, and Socks, she mixes them cause she knows I will correct her and when she giggles, we have tickle wars!

-Our tickle wars usually start with her actually, she comes up and wiggles her SUPER chubby little fingers under my chin and says "KhhKhhKhhKhh" I love it!

-She LOVES pens, and pencils, and I ALWAYS take them away from her and then she has a fit. Well yesterday she had a pencil, and I said, give that to Mamma, and she walked over, handed it to me with a smile on her face, and ran back in the bedroom, and about 5 seconds later, walked out with another one. Poor thing has a secret stash of them!

-She is now old enough to call us out on our "toos" (toots) She likes to inform us when she hears them. Which is NEVER from me!

-Dog Hots- Bailey's new favorite food, Dog hots!! She is a vegetarian other wise, I don't really think it's that great of food for her, but it's a little protein.

-I am thinking I am going to try to start potty training her, I am sure it won't work, but that girl,.. she will come up to me, and grab at her diaper if she is poops, until I change her.

So here is my last little story, and I hope you all get as much of a kick out of it as Peter did! This morning we had a world class French toast breakfast, with lots of syrup and so Bailey HAD to have a bath. She got out of the bathtub, and I let her lose for a few seconds while I got her clothes. I came around the corner JUST IN TIME. She crawled up on the ottoman and was squatting and then I heard grunting and RAN for it. I got there JUST in time,.. to catch it in my hands,.. yes people, my daughter pooped in my hands today!!! If anyone is looking for a "Mother of the Year" nominee,.. I am your person!! Poop catcher! I should know by now that she is aware when her diaper is off, and always goes for the kill.

Well on a lighter note, I just fall more and more in love with this baby everyday. I think I call my mom weekly and tell her I am sorry for not being the nicest person to live with at 14 and 15, because I just never knew how much love a mother has for her children. I just CAN'T get enough of her. I can never give her enough hugs, and kisses. I can't tell her I love her enough in a day. I can't resist the sudden urges to squeeze all of her squishy, squeezie, yummy baby goodness!! Another oldie, but again one of my faves, I LOVE IT!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I can't do it!!

Part of my personality is that I am just too indecisive. I know I have blogged about bedding before, and that is because it has become the bane of my existence. I have been searching for bedding for a entire YEAR AND A HALF!!!! And found NOTHING that I like. So naturally, bedding won the fight, I was defeated, and gave up!

Well I decided that I had to start looking again, and after a few DAYS of being disappointed about finding NOTHING new, I started looking in places that I had deemed, too expensive. PB,.. although one of my favorite places to look is not so nice to my bank account/life savings! But, now that I found it,.. I must have it! oops!! But then I, OF COURSE, had to find something else that I really liked, that was equally expensive, and now I can't decide. So,.. being the easily influenced person that I am,.. PLEASE HELP! Which one do you like?

Now here is my thinking on them, if that matters with your suggestions. I like that the red bedding has the cream and tan colors in it,.. it makes it feel like there is some variety to it. Traditionally, I wouldn't be having a hard time deciding because Red is my VERY FAVORITE color to decorate with. But I am feeling a little daring!?

Although I LOVE yellow, I am afraid that the yellow will be over powering, and I won't know how to add in other colors in the room, to help tone it down!?

Tell me what you think!?

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hey my peeps. I guess I have officially entered the lame old mom phase of life. I have NO IDEA what has been played on the "cool" radio stations in the last 3 years, and my ipod has hurt feelings that all I listen to is High School Musical (I can't believe I just admitted that) and Wicked,.. ALWAYS,..
SO,.. my ipod needs some attention, and with the annoyance of moving and packing boxes gluming in the weeks ahead, I need a little sumpin sumpin to spice things up a bit. Bailey is needin some new tunes to get down to also.

What are you listening to these days? What are your faves, or a song your DYING to share with me????
Really,.. I need SERIOUS help!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

House continued,...

To further inform ya'll. There were somethings that I didn't add in my last post that i thought was relevant information, and some more pictures.
The house is in Pleasant Grove, on the east side, kind of by the High School? If any of you know where that is.
We will be closing on the house on Friday, and then we have about 2 weeks of little things that we need to get done before it's move-in ready.
Just to get this out there, I am looking to know if anyone knows any cool little furniture shops in like Salt Lake that have cool furniture. If you know of something,.. let me know!!! Here are some more pictures!!

I don't know what's up with the black strips. But here is the out side. The house is at the end of a cul-de-sac, AWESOME!!!

Here is a good pic from inside the kitchen, dining room, into the living/family room.

Another big reason that I LOVE this house. This is one of the biggest laundry rooms I have ever been in. Obviously the pictures isn't giving it justice but you can trust me!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Welcome Home Robbins Family

Well,.. Ty(Extreme Home Makeover! Peter didn't get it!,...?) isn't announcing it,.. but I am!

WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not ALL official and stuff, but I can't keep my trap shut, and I will be the first to admit it!!!

There are a few things that need done on it,.. ie CLEANED and the floors aren't finished, bathrooms need mirrors.

But MOST important, there is MUCH furniture to be bought,.. and colors to be chosen, pictures to be hung, all by yours truly of course! So I hope it isn't a total flop!
We are REALLY excited about it, and I will keep you all updated with pictures,.. it will probably be on a room by room basis, so be patient with me here people! If you have ideas, or great places to shop,.. fill me in yo! This girl needs as much advice as she can get! I am a religious Tai Pan customer, so thank goodness for that store!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Humble Pie

So a little background on Peter and I. We met in our singles ward, and were in the same FHE group. I thought he was really cute, he would always stay and do our dishes, and help us clean up after FHE, which was very nice. It took Peter FOREVER to ask me out, so I asked him to come over and watch a movie with me, and then he couldn't resist my, oh so lady like, obnoxiousness. ;) Well we dated for a whole 3 weeks before we had set a date, and just one more week until I had a ring on my finger. I know,.. it was so long, I don't know how I survived the long journey. Within 3 months of meeting, and dating, we were married.

All was fine with me, my parents were cool with it, and I think his parents were alright with it all, they may have changed their minds since, but now they are stuck with me! Sorry! ;) But the bestie had her hesitations. I call her Schmally Pants, her real name is Melanie. She was no so sure that you you can really fall in love that fast, and know it's right. So I just laugh about it, because there wasn't one hesitation on either Peter's or my part. And I know the whole time she couldn't figure out what was wrong with me!

So Schmally is AWESOME,.. the best bestie any bestie could ask for. She decided to take a trip to visit her sister in Iowa where her brother-in-law is going to Medical school. While there her sister set her up on a blind date which went really well and they hung out the rest of Mel's time there. They continued to talk on the phone after she got home, and one day Dr. David decided to buy him self a present for Thanksgiving, a plane ticket for Schmally. Well, in the mean time, they decided that this was it, and neither of them were going anywhere.

Dr. David came out here for Christmas and on Christmas Eve, purposed!!!!!!!!! Yea!!!

So I keep reminding Melanie that it took Peter and I 3 weeks to decide to get married, so eat up that humble pie Schmally pants!! I won't stop serving it for a REALLY long time. Simply because they decided to get married June 6th, and maybe I will be 9 months pregnant, and in the stages of REALLY ugly pregnancy, with memory foam ankles. BLARGE!!!!!!

CONGRATS SCHMALLY!!!! I love your guts!! Even though I haven't met Dr. David yet, I am confident in your rapid decision to wed!