Monday, May 25, 2009

Curiosity Killed the Cat

I have been wondering for the last 8 months, what it was going to be like to be a mom of a two year old, and a mom of an infant, AT THE SAME TIME. I was really stressing about it, because I really don't think I can handle it.
I spoke too soon.
When we brought Bailey home from the hospital, I had braced my self for many months of sleepless nights, but she slept 8 hours our first night home. I know, crazy!!!

Well, I brought precious Peter home from the hospital on Friday, I won't mention his weight, but at 6 ft tall, and not as bright eyed and bushy tailed as I had imagined. He has been an okay eater, He doesn't like bath time very much, but we manage. Sleeping has posed the biggest challenge. Potty breaks, and fluffing pillows,.. and just no sleep period. Poor guy! ;)

All jokes aside,.. Peter is doing pretty darn well. We did have a minor trip to the Emergency Room again today. His breathing had become a lot more labored, and he sounded EXACTLY like a humidifier(if you know what that sounds like). I called his Doctor, and he freaked me out that it was going to be a Pulmonary Embolism(many-a people DIE from those) But after just 6 hours in the ER we came home with a prescription for his Bronchial Pneumonia. Bailey and I went for a few hours to be with some family, and I can ALREADY tell a HUGE difference in his breathing. He is completely off the pain killers and said that his leg doesn't hurt at all, which is GREAT!!

I am no super woman, and I will be the first to say,.. Man this sucks. I kept thinking that Peter will be over this the week the baby is due,.. but my calculations were off by two weeks,.. so when we have a two week old, he will have his casts off and be able to bare weight on his leg,................. and then he leaves for a week fishing trip in Alaska. BLARGE! After our ER trip today, I am pretty sure I am clinically insane. Yesterday, I got a shower,.. hey, it's a feat these days! And whilst in the shower I washed my face(I know the acne all over would prove me otherwise) and after a few seconds of scrubbing, I realized the lavender sent is my CONDITIONER, not face wash. Not to mention the emotional break down I had in my OBGYN's office this morning. I dropped Peter off at the ER, and walked across the street to my OB's office. I was one of the first patients there and so the nurse calls me back, she weighed me(-2 lbs!!!!!!) And this is how our conversation went,
Nurse:"How are you today?"
Me: "I'm alive, which is saying a lot for my week." (the tears started) "My husband crashed his motorcycle and broke his leg," (the hysterics start)"And I don't want to have this baby,......EVER!!"
Nurse: -silence-
Then I continued to tell her all of my crazy pregnancy concerns, which they quickly disproved, and I'm pretty sure that they have me down as a lunatic and a hypochondriac. Oh well,..
So, We are all still alive, and I am grateful, but,...
Can this be over now??
The REAL reason I think this sucks so bad:
Peter just takes such good care of me ALL the time,.. not only is he unable to wait on me hand and foot, but the role is totally reversed. I LOVE taking care of my man, don't get me wrong! I am just ULTRA lazy.
Woe is me.
Peter I LOVE YOU!!!


Amy C. said...

Jared has had many injuries but only one as bad as Peters. It was probably one of the hardest times of my life! Deegan was just a baby and Braxtyn was 2. It was harder to be a mom, because I had to fill in as Dad too since he wasn't able to roll around and play with the kids on the floor nor was he in a mood to tease and be fun. & then to take care of Jared, drive him to the Dr, take him to physical therapy, mess with insurance . . .

I feel for you and hope it looks up soon!!

Mandy said...

I am so sorry Robbins family for all the crappy stuff that has come your way! I have to say though that reading this made me smile, Manda you are hilarious! Good luck with EVERYTHING over the next couple weeks!

Alex and Anna said...

So sorry about Peter's accident and glad to hear he is doing better. I loved hearing your doctors story it made me laugh and even though you feel crazy I'm sure many many women would feel the same way in your situation! Hope everything goes great with the delivery and everything!

Ashley said...

I am so sorry that you have to deal with all of this right now! And believe me, it doesn't get any easier once the little one finally comes out! I should know....taking care of a two year old and a new born has pretty much been the hardest thing I have ever done! My intentions are not to scare you off, but to empathize with you! At least I have a husband who is for the most part healthy! I hope you have lots of help coming your way!!! If I were near you I would do all that I could to help out! I can't believe your hubby is planning a trip so soon afterwards too! If my husband tried to do that I would tell him if he leaves to never come back! Well, that's probobly a little harsh, but you get my point! Taking care of sick husbands isn't easy either, especially when your about to pop and you can't even bend over to tie your own shoes! Wow, sorry I think I have a little aggresion coming see my hubby has been very busy trying to find a new job and he has been working on side jobs as well long into the night to pick up some extra cash....he is being a good provider, but doing pretty much everything on my own and him not coming home until long after the girls are in bed has been rough! Ok, now that I have written a book.....I should get back to the endless loads of laundry I have and mabey even use the bathroom today! Yes, getting a chance to sit and use the bathroom by myself is a huge challenge these days......Anyways, good luck with will be in my prayers!