Saturday, May 30, 2009

What NOT to sell

At a yard sale that is. My mom and I went to a yard sale this morning. I am always amused by SOMETHING found at every sale. It's totally true that "One man's junk is another man's treasure." I saw a little "sompin sompin", and INSTANTLY saw a SUPER cool shelf, but it was really used as a mantle at one point. I bought it and have some awesome intentions for it, a little makeover and it will display something of importance. (SOMEDAY) prolly not anytime soon.
We walked down the street to another garage sale and as we approached, I noticed a disturbing pile of something that aught not be shared, and a woman walking away with her loot from said pile. Why would you want someones used this:


They were very much BATHROOM towels, and they were very much USED BATHROOM TOWELS. But not used to the point that you would cut them up and use them as dish cloths, or when you are cleaning up paint. These towels were going home with this woman to dry off a nakie bod, and hang on a towel rack.
My case and Point:

We should NOT share items with strangers that we use to dry off our nakie parts. Just like we don't share our undies that cover said nakie parts. It's just not right.


Ashley said...

ok......considering I am a super clean freak that entirely grosses me out!!! I don't think I would use those towles for anything except mabey cleaning up puke.....maybe not even that.....those towels could have been used to clean up their puke! NASTY!!! Anywho......I wrote you a novel on your previous post...check it out! I hope it makes you feel a little better knowing you are not entirely alone!!!

RATCH said...

Awww come-on! Loosen up! We all come into this world naked... why not share naked bodie dryers too? :)

Jess said...

You're not fully clean unless your Zest fully clean... and wiped off with someones old towel.

Justin and Ashley said...

You are so funny. :) I love reading your blog, and yes just because I never make any comments lately doesn't mean I don't read all your new posts...I can't believe how much has been going on with you and your little family!!! Crazy stuff with Peter and holy cow that baby will be here soon! Can we still have lunch soon? This week maybe? I don't know when but I really think we should before the baby comes?!