Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Home stretch People!

33 weeks down
this means:
7 weeks to go

49 days left (I'd be okay with less!)
Till I get to snuggle with my this:

(ooh,.. Naked babies are the best! well maybe a diaper is good cause they pee a TON!)

Who will hopefully survive through having one of these:

(a crazy big sister who might want to eat her, or smack her over the head with something hard, but hopefully just smother her in kisses) Don't even worry, I do have minor panic attacks thinking of what is to come from this

Yeah yeah yeah,.. she looks so sweet an innocent, and usually she is, but when she isn't, WATCH OUT!

But then I GET to start a this:


Tyler & Laura said...

There is light at the end of the tunnel! I am excited for you :) And here's a secret: it's been even MORE enjoyable the second time around! For me, at least. With Jack, I was so nervous because I had NOT a clue what I was supposed to do with a newborn. Now it's just easy and comes naturally and it makes it all the more fun!

And don't worry. Jack is in a HORRIBLE stage where he likes to scream at the top of his foghorn-like lungs and smack people, but he's been very sweet and gentle with Lyla, so you have hope! If my Terrible Two's monster hasn't destroyed the baby yet, your's won't either :)

Amanda said...

Oh Laura,.. I think our kids are siblings from a different mamma,(I know it doesn't rhym) Bailey WON'T STOP SCREAMING and it's killing me!! I am glad there is hope that she will be kind to the baby, I was serious about the panic attack comment!