Thursday, May 21, 2009

Poor Poor Peter!

Well,.. not a TON has happened since my last post, but I am pretty bored just chillin' here. I think both my ankles are the same size as Peter's One, BROKEN ankle(well, leg really),.. and I only wish I were kidding.
Peter is doing pretty well. The pain meds were making him sick, but other than that,.. he is doing GREAT!! What a trooper!
So here are Peter's X-Rays
Before surgery

Post surgery. 11 pins, 2 screws, 1 steel plate.

Bailey got to come visit today, and both Bailey and Daddy were very happy about that. Peter hadn't seen Bailey since Monday night (weird schedules between work and Bailey's odd sleeping patterns) Those two are just the bestest of buddies. Bailey was happy to help Daddy eat his lunch.

Then Bailey decided she needed to be the patient and eat her "pitches". Someone can't say chip.
My mom came down yesterday and took Bailey for the day and night, and Grandma and Grandpa Robbins (both sets and both people Bailey calls "punka" and I LOVE it!) spelled my mom and took her for tonight and tomorrow. Bailey was SOO excited to go with "punka" and the party they were going to, and didn't even care to say good bye to mommy and daddy. Sometimes we are chopped liver. Once we said she was going to a party, she didn't want Party Punka to let go, she was GOING TO THAT PARTY!

We love punka!


Mel and David said...

Amanda I love the way you post. I can totally hear EXACTLY how you are saying it when I read it. A few matters of business:

1) Peter, I am so sorry! I hope you are feeling better and they are still being generous with the morphine. (hey, keep my profession alive)

2) Amanda I have called three times, and text you twice. I think to myself "Self, she is probably so busy and stressed and hasn't even touched her phone." but then I get on your blog and you have posted a long post.... meanwhile my text inbox=empty...... WHATEV!

3) I love your face, but seriously CALL ME!

4) Get well soon!

5) Whatever you need..... Whenever!

Amanda said...

Ok, that 2nd ex-ray is so scary!! talk about metal! Sheesh!

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

Sorry Peter that sucks!! Hope your better soon!! Amanda I have two wild and crazy boys they really could keep Bailey entertained. If you need me call me!!

Amy C. said...

How long will he be at hospital?

Katie Smith said...

My GOSH! What drama with the leg. I just finished the post where you explained the whole incident and I would have been freaked out too! Thankfully it appears that all is going okay and Pete is surviving.

I also read the post about the home're so close to the end. Isn't it crappy that this is the part that usually goes by the slowest? Sorry to bring it up but at least that's how it is for me. Hopefully not for you. I can't wait to see pictures of that new sweet Robbins baby!!

marci said...

oh my heck amanda. that is some scary business going on at your pad. i'm glad your getting lots of help from parents. i'm sure these next few weeks before chloe comes will be an adventure to say the least. i look forward to hearing it all via blog!

get better soon pete!

Anonymous said...

So I called Pete on Friday night right after he was discharged from the hospital and I have to say he is a LIGHTWEIGHT. I think he had 1 Lortab in his system, but his words had a 24 beer slur to them. I knew he really couldn't handle the pain meds when out of the blue he said "I love you man, NO NO I really love you man"

Grandma Cindy said...

Dear Amanda and Peter, I am so sorry to hear about your accident. Melanie told me this morning. We hope everything will go well. Know you are in our THOUGHTS & PRAYERS. Ned and Cindy Miller