Monday, June 15, 2009

What We've missed

I have been wanting to post a bunch of things, and had them all ready written, and then Peter broke his leg, and I have gone into Turbo mom mode in trying to get ready for Chloe's arrival, and as busy as I have been,.. I look around and think to my self,.. freak gina!!!! YOU have accomplished NOTHING! So I will blog a few things here,.. mostly just pictures with some fun stories of what we have been up to besides recovering from a broken leg, and bloggin 100 times!!!

Aunt Debbie came for a visit. I was SUPPOSED to pick her up from the airport, but she came in the night of Peter's accident, so we had a change of plans. It was still so fun to have her here and catch up like the bestest of sister do!
We went to UP,.. LOVED IT!!! Funny little story.
We got there, and I was SUPER stressed about going. Bailey had never been to a movie theater before and I was afraid that she would lose interest and with Peter not very mobile, I would be the one to chase her up and down the isle with my 8 month preggo-ness and that's not really my idea of a great night out. So after a few hours of Peter convincing me it was a good idea, we got in the car and headed out. We sit down in the theater and were watching the previews, Bailey was really excited to be there, and was sitting so quietly in my lap and,....
My squatch & legs are wet. I GASPED and looked at Peter with the deer in the headlights look, he snatched Bailey out of my hands and we were just about to get up and head to the hospital because I was SURE my water had broken.
Until I looked at Bailey's bum.
It's okay, her diaper leaked.
My child saves all her pee for one large urination during the day, and it's like releasing the Hoover Dam!
but that's okay sweetie girl, mamma pees her pants more times during the day than you.
And then I did the ugly cry through the ENTIRE movie.
SUCH a cute movie! I recommend it to anyone and everyone!
Memorial Day came and went and we spent the evening at Punka(that's grandma and grandpa) Robbins' house.
Punka set up a pool and Bailey just wanted to play in the water,... even after she was blue and was suffering from hypothermia. Crazy baby!
Daddy bought Bailey a new pair of shoes. I wasn't sure about them at first, but they have really grown on me.
OOH OOH,.. Bailey's first Hair cut. Whitney works magic on my hair every 3 months(yeah,.. I wait until my roots are longer than the actual colored part to go in)
She is so big now!
BeforeYou know,.. she was BORN with the ends of these hairs!?
During,.. We used her portable DVD player to keep her entertained,.. MAGIC!!
Another After picture
WE LOVE YOU WHITNEY!! Thanks for helping us look beautiful!!
Peter is healing!! See,..
I took this picture 2 weeks ago when Peter got his cast off. I thought it was CRAZY how much muscle and size he had lost in just 2 weeks!!!
I took this picture today. The sterry strips are finally coming off and we can see where the incision was. YUMMY!!!! He has started Physical Therapy once a week now to help regain movement and strength.
I FINALLY got rid of these!!
Umm,.. I know I had said this a lot, but I LOVE the Robbins Family. I had 2 cousins growing up, and can probably count on 2 hands the times I have seen them. So being part of Peter's family, (I can't count all the cousins with my fingers, toes, AND Peter's and Bailey's fingers and toes!)
So ANYWAY,.. when Peter and I got married, I received these LOVELIES. They are the traveling teddies and MAN,.. aren't they AWESOME!?
Well Peter's cousin is getting married this week and I FINALLY,.. after 3 whole years,.. got to pass them on!! Thanks Taylor for getting married!!
We realize MOST people grow up and leave the college town of which they attended,.. :( Boo for us, and I guess it's an okay thing for them, but Mo and Christian and Jimmy and Julie,.. come back,.. okay!!?!?!?!?!?
Little pregnancy update:
I am dilated to 2 cm and my cervix is thinning.
This means I am making progress!!

My braxton hicks are coming more and more often which helps this dilating process.
If Chloe isn't here by July 3rd, I am scheduled to be induced that day,.. unless I decide not to be induced and just wait to go on my own. I don't think that the 3rd will come and I won't take the doc up on that offer. I don't think my feet and ankles can handle much more water retention. Check these babies out!!

And I thought they were bad last time I posted!!! They are LOTS worse now!!!


RATCH said...

LOVE the haircute... so cute! But she looks all grown up :(

Loved this post!

Tyler & Laura said...

Your poor feet! :( Oh, the price we pay for babies. You should go get a pedicure! They'll rub your feet and maybe that'll put you in labor! If not, then well, at least you get your feet rubbed! I LOVE BAILEY'S HAIRCUT! HOLY COW! She is such a cutie. I wish MY hair looked that good!

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

her hair is adorable and your poor feet!!

Jess said...

Cute hair! Cute shoes! Poor feet!

Mel and David said...

Oh i love the haircut! And i laughed so hard at your feet. haha! Sorry pal!

Anonymous said...

Bailey totally looks like your "Mini-Me" now. You need to post a Mother and Daughter head shot (I know you've been trying to avoid posting pregnancy pictures).
Tell Pete that I'm glad he's healing up.