Friday, June 5, 2009

100th WHAT?

I realize in all the glorious 100 posts in the last year and a half, MOST have been complaining, and ranting, and posts all about Bailey. I'm okay with that for the most part.

Goal: To Be more positive. I really CANNOT complain. I have absolutely NOTHING to complain about, even with Peter's broken leg, and being 8 months preggers. Don't hold me to it though, I find that blogging when I'm mad, or bugged, or insulted makes me feel better, and I can get over it quicker, other than Ugly Lady at Macey's. I still can't even go back inside that store, and I drive by it daily.

In reminiscing all the blogging heaven of the last 99 posts, and to Celebrate this blessed occasion of post 100.


Leave me a message with these things listed.

{Favorite Memory of you and I}
{Something RANDOM about yourself}

This contest will end ONE WEEK from today

Making that Friday, June 12th. I will post the winner that night.

The prize is going to be AWESOME,...Trust me!

Honestly: I am making you leave a memory because I can't remember anything, and I have a tendency to be obnoxious, and I know you all have a story of how I embarrassed myself badly at some point, I'm sure I embarrassed you too!

So be like NIKE and just do it!


me and him said...

#1. my name is Marci Pratt

#2. I remember looking at your blog and being the first one to comment for your 100th post. it made me feel so special and i'm sure you felt special too. i also related to you on the lack of memory bit in your post!! i love ya!

#3. i eat my oreos with peanut butter on them because somewhere in my head i think it makes the cookies healthier!!

The Baker Bunch said...

1. Katie Baker

2. My favorite memory is that I got to unload the traveling nighties on you! Hahaha! Also that our husbands are cousin, we are all about the same age, and our children are the same age, and we should get to know each other better and hang out when Joel and I come to town. (okay, so that's not a memory so much, but of memories to come.)

3. Something random about me is that I love Cadbury cream eggs! I went to walmart after Easter and bought a case of them, that's right 48 fattening little eggs. I took about a months break, and then opened them, and have one a day (okay sometimes two if Lizzie makes me share), none of which is helping me lose weight! And I'm sad that they are almost gone :(

RATCH said...

1. Rachel Clarke

2. When James licked your foot and you almost threw up... Ahhhh that memory makes me smile every time!

3.I need to pee right now but I am too lazy to get up from the computer and go. TMI? I don't think so... not on this blog anyway! ;)

Jess said...

1. Jessica Albrecht
2. The last girls camp I went to. I remember every little beehive acting like you... doing your little dances and saying "sucks poo." I had never realized how much of an effect one person can have on people till I met you.
3. The only reason I watch football with my husband is so I can see someone get tackled... I just like to watch people get creamed.

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

#1 My name: Mandi (Moore)haha Jones

#2 My favorite memory of you is when we both were working at Timp on a sat and did nothing but talk. It was when you first got preggo with Bailey and you were a LITTLE scared.

#3 Something random about me...I had a WELDING SCHOLARSHIP in college!! A little random for a GIRL!!

Amy C. said...

1. Amy

2. I don't know if it was the first time or just one of the first times we met. You and Peter arrived at Bear Lake and you were White (because I am sure you were mad, frustrated, embarrassed, worried, . . .) -You were so upset that it got left off that you two would be getting married in the temple on your wedding announcements.

3. I've never broken a bone.

Alysa Stewart said...

1. Alysa

2. I remember etching dishes with you at Susie's house. :D I remember borrowing your little floaty thing to take Benjamin for his first swim...and getting a glimpse of your infamous fireworks-loving neighbors!

3. Random: I am in love with Smartfoods White Cheddar popcorn!

Amanda said...

1. Amanda Bateman

2. Remember when you watched Spencer for me (which you do A LOT) when I had surgery, and I think you did my laundry and organized the shoes in my closet?! That was awesome! Also, remember when you said "quirp" instead of "quirk" in the car on the way home from the movie? I'm still laughing about that one =).

3. I am scared of heights, but I love roller coasters.

Lee & Kindra said...

#1 Kindra Hill

#2 Making fools of ourselves and laughing so hard over stupid things while working together. I miss you!

# I can't stand it if I feel the seam in my socks! I'll change them multiple times until I find a pair that doesn't bother me :)

Mandy said...

#1 Mandy James
#2 So many memories to choose from; but at this moment it has to be cleaning up after Melanie’s wedding. I just think it sums up the type of person that you are: a TRUE friend, because it is easy to be a friend to someone during a party but it is your REAL friends who stick around and help clean the crap up! You really are a Miller sister stuck in a Bateman body!
#3 I love marshmellows and have yet to find a store brand that tastes as good as the Jet puff kraft version! What can I say I have expensive taste...haha!

Anonymous said...

1: Jason Robbins
B: I tried to share some Jicama (pronounced - Hikumuh) with you and you wouldn't even answer me; you just stared at me like I was trying to poison you and like you hated my guts.
3rd: I always rinse and repeat, ALWAYS.

RATCH said...

I am so excited for tonight... I hope I win!!!!

megan and darin said...

i realize the contest is over, but i still wanna play.

megan foster christensen

you probably already know what i am going to say. of course the best memory of you and i together is the day day we realized that some people look more like animals than people. the only ones i remember: travis jewitt- t.rex, seneca jensen-koala bear.

i have two baby teeth