Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Come out, Come Out Who Ever you are,...

So I must admit, there are people who have blogs that I stalk. There, it's out! My name is Amanda and I am Blog Stalker!

So this past week in talking to a few people I have come to understand that there may be people who look at my blog and don't ever comment or make them selves know to me. You sillies. If you are taking the time to look at my LAME blog I want to know that I may stalk you in return.

To make you feel better, I am probably looking at your Blog too Yo! I have this major fear of people not knowing me or remembering me. I ALWAYS feel SOOO lame when I have to tell people why I know them and it just takes them a while to remember the face or whatever. I will just share one little story,..

Last conference Peter opted to watch Bailey so that I could go to a session of conference. Well I didn't want to go alone and so I asked my mom to come with me. I was talking to a good friend of mine who just so happened to be sitting next to me and in the isle I noticed this guy who looked strangely familiar. It took about .5 seconds of staring before my jaw dropped to the floor to realize that my eyes were now resting upon my 8th grade love. I lived with my sister in West Point, New York when I was in 8th grade and they "sponsored" the cadets. One in particular named Tommy. I was in love and age didn't matter. I knew he would one day find me and fall in love with me. (He was 26 and I was 13) So after the .5 seconds of staring my body just stood up and pushed through the isle yelling (louder that acceptable for the conference center) TOMMY, TOMMY, TOMMY O'LAUGHLIN and he looked back at me a few times and kept walking and then did it again and kept walking a little faster (it seemed) and then he stopped and said,.. "Do I know you?" Yeah I know, harsh! I looked at him and I was like, "It's me Mandy Bateman", and he looked at me and said, "how you do you know me?" (that was twisting the knife) and I said I am Debbie Gerber's little sister and he said, "Oh,.. I think I remember you!"

So anyway,.. this fear of being the forgotten one was there before this happened and is even worse now.
Moral of the story,.. I want to know if you are stalking me so we can be friends. And I am going to make an effort to be more fourth coming about my stalker tendencies. I have this weird thing where I remeber faces and names REALLY well,.. I never forget a face, but I can't put them together if it were to save my life. So I will know who you are!!

And to those of you I am aware of thanks for being great!! I love you all!!!


Tyler & Laura said...

Amanda, I was afraid that you wouldn't remember ME! I'm the same way; I remember everyone I have ever met, even if it was just by seeing someone's face in a yearbook and never having met them. Freaky, eh! But I do admit; I love to stalk your blog. You and your little girl are just too cute!

Alysa Stewart said...

I have that same problem. I remember faces and names really well -- Jacob has just gotten used to me pointing out random people on campus and saying things like "I had American Heritage with that guy my freshman year." And also I too love it when people comment on my blog. So we're totally twinners today. :)

Dane and Jessica said...

Amanda if it makes you feel any better I am shocked that Tommy didn't remember you...because to sum it all up you are one unforgettable girl...take that how you'd like but you know how I mean it. I do have to admit that that storie is soooooo funny!!!

Gailey Family said...

Dont worry Amanda I can be a Stalker too! But I have promised myself that I will come clean, and reveal myself! Haha, we will see if anyone remembers me!

Kathlen said...

I think that we are all stalkers at heart!! It is too much fun not to be a stalker, right? Comments are always fun to read! Keep up the stalking, your great!!

Katie Smith said...

I just love you. You're so funny and seriously...who could ever forget you? I feel the same way about people visiting and not commenting. Not only do I want to know who's "stalking," but don't you just feel so popular when you get comments? I do...maybe that's pathetic, but it's true. I always wanted to be popular! :)

I'm kind of bad though, if I stalk someone and make comments and then they never comment on my blog, I don't comment anymore on theirs. How childish is that?

Anonymous said...

why hello there. I am the mystery stalker stalking your blog and you will never know my true identity!!! Don't be alarmed, I admire you. I know you very well but we havn't spoke in forever. I'm too embarrassed to ever reveal myself so sorry. sleep well deary... you'll be in my dreams...

Amanda said...

Umm,.. that's lame that you won't tell me who you are!! I have a feeling I know who you are! Just tell me!

Mason & Laura said...

hi amanda!! so I saw you on my sistah's page and of course had to come over and check out your blog. You are hilarious, just so you know. I wish that I had the talent of remembering people--but alas I am one of those who meets someone then 5 minutes later introduces myself to them again, for I have already forgotten that I had just met them! Yikes! (true story, but I try to be sure it doesn't happen very often 'cause how horrible am I?!) k mom. I love your baby bling--do you sell them? (I just looked at pictures, didn't read your whole blog page....yet....)

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

I hear you had a blog mine is smjones23.blogspot.com

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

I love the links on your blog for the cute backgrounds...thanks!!!

Chase Family said...

Amanda, Im glad you are a stalker and you found me! Keep in touch!

me and him said...

hey it's just me manda! i hear ya with this one. but believe me your not forgettable.

i was wondering if you made an etsy shop yet!

maggie-t said...

Hey Amanda! I have to admit I am a blog stocker too, but who isn't. I also have to confess that I take a look at peoples blogs, but sometimes rarely comment. I know it's horrible, but sometimes i can't think of anything unique or funny to say so I don't say anything. Is that pathetic or what. Anyway I am glad to come out and say it. I am a blog stocker that doesn't leave comments. hmm...confession always feels better: )
I would love to know when you set up you etsy shop as well.

Holli said...

Um so pretty much its true, I stalk you on blogger. I am sad I don't get to see my friend as much as I'd like (you know I do need my regular dosage of Amanda) but the whole different state thing def puts a hamper on that one, atleast blogger can let me know kinda what you are up to and see you beautiful fam. :) Jake and I come up in like 3 weeks, so be prepraed to be stalked in person!!! wha hahaha :)

Unknown said...

Amanda, this is my true confession. I stalk your blog. Mainly because I think you're so cute! I love reading your posts, and I never comment because I feel like a creeper for stalking, at yet I don't stop. :) Ok, whew! I feel better for having gotten that off my chest. You really are fabulous! Thanks for calling me out on my stalking!

Lori said...

Ha! That story is way too classic. See, that's why I never say hi to people... even the ones I know know me! :) Don't take after my example, though, bc then people just think you're stuck up... and that's a whole 'nother problem in itself.

Very fun pictures, by the way! I'm glad your in-laws are coming home in July, too. You will have a blast, I'm sure!