Thursday, September 4, 2008

I loathe politics actually

I popped over to read one of my friends blogs this morning. She is AWESOME,.. one of the best examples of a mom and wife I have ever seen!
She said that there are two things that people don't like to talk about
I agree! I don't talk about Money, because,.. well I have none so there isn't much to talk about. Politics,.. I don't talk a lot about because I don't know a whole lot about it. I don't think that is very different from anyone else. I think that we pretty much all vote on how we feel about a person, what THEY stand for, and if we feel like they will make things happen in this country biased on their beliefs and standards. I don't tend to get caught up in political conversations either,.. I know what I think, and other people are entitled to their opinions and I am not going to try to convince others to think they way I think.
In November I will be voting for

This isn't who I REALLY want to vote for, but because America messed it all up for Romney,.. I am forced to choose the better of two Evils,.. not that they are evil men, but I don't think that either hold a candle to Romney.

My number one deal breaker is what these men think about the Family. I don't remember who I heard talking about this but I loved it. All great civilizations that came to a fall, crumbled from the inside. In America the Family is what holds our nation together, in my religion, we believe that this unit is NUMBER 1 on our list of priorities. I strongly believe that if this Nation falls it will be because of the deterioration of the family unit, and the Men that let it happen.

Deal breaker- Abortion and Gay Marriage

Obama was THE ONLY person to vote for Partial Birth Abortion. THE ONLY ONE,.. everyone else had the sense to know how SICK and inhumane this act is. These alive kicking, living, innocent babies are allowed to be MURDERED!!!!

He stated once that he doesn't think that his daughters should be punished for having sex. Well I would have to say that any woman that has a child, of their own, or through adoption, would look at those beautiful babies and call them a punishment. It's a consequence, good or bad, for a choice THEY made to have sex! If they don't want a baby, then they should be smarter,.. maybe wait till you get married,.. what a NOVEL idea!


This is my sweet, innocent baby at just one week old. That is just 5 weeks older than babies that are murdered by these people that call them selves Doctors, and are allowed to do what they do because of people like Obama. NO THANKS BARAK!!

I don't even need to address anything more,.. I am already about to throw down!! I am surprised that my key board made it through that rant.

One of Obama's things that he SAYS he is for is "The Family". I do realize that this is not an issue on McCain's ticket, but I am a person that watches actions more than words,.. Obama is CLEARLY NOT for "The Family" or he would look at his own daughters as a blessing, not a punishment! I have to say it ONE more time. Barak Obama was the ONLY person in the Senate to vote FOR,.. FOR partial Birth Abortion. So if he would now like to state that he is for "the family" he is lying. The only liar I see in this situation.

Actually one more little thing,..

Obama has gone to a church and been part of a congregation where the preacher was an America Hater, not to mention his good pal, who tried to blow up some building somewhere, where people were working,..but whatever,.. I guess if you want that running our nation, that's your prerogative,.. but he won't get my vote.

And I have to tell Ellen sorry,.. I think you are super funny,.. and I watch your show all the time, but I am again Gay Marriage. It make a mockery of my marriage, and I can't allow that!

Thanks for listening,.. I hope no offences were made, and that you all know I am just stating MY opinions!

These are my mad photo shop skills.


Abbie said...
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Abbie said...

Awesome for you girly to discuss politics! I think we need to. It's important to share our views, our ideas, and what we know. I was not aware of what you just posted. I checked your facts and you're correct in that he opposed the ban on abortions of infants born alive but the bill (a ban on abortion) actually passed 380-15. A small minority of congressman opposed the ban, not just Obama...just wanted to let you know.

Your intro of me was very sweet. Thanks. You have given me some tough thoughts to chew on. Sadly like I said, there is no perfect candidate. I wish there were because I would vote for him. Though McCain shares my views on abortion and marriage I feel that he differs in so many areas which I find equally as important for mine and my child's future. My decision may now be torn more between who ranks best on my pros and cons list. Keep it up! Get out there and share your views. You are sooo entitled!

Grace said...

I agree with you 100%. There are bigger issues than the war and the economy. Preserving the sanctity of marriage and family is far more important to me too.

Tyler & Laura said...

AMEN, woman! Totally agree. Obama thinks he is a rockstar candidate but has the wrong ideas to make this country 'work better' and totally wrong ways to go about it. Maybe one of his daughters should go have careless sex when they are teenagers, get knocked up and then tell him they need to have an abortion. Maybe then he'll think about what he's talking about.

RATCH said...

Um... Your mad photoshop skills blow me away! LOVE YOU!

Kathlen said...

I agree with you!!

Mandy said...

I don't like politics either and for the same reasons. But is sounds like both my boys were born early enough that they would fit into the "allowed to be aborted" window....that makes me sick! Your a babe

me and him said...

you go! i'm afraid we're headed for a scary future huh? looks that way anyway. i've thought a lot about all the politic chat that's been going on lately...and i'm actually having a hard time deciding myself. although, i know i will end up following my heart with McCain. sometimes, (like with his running mate) i wonder if it's the right choice. and obama, well...all views aside, for some reason i get an upset stomach when i think of him being our president. the spirit? maybe, maybe not...but like i said, i'm going with my gut on this one! i'm glad you shared your views it makes me feel better after seeing my neighbors yard sporting oboma signs on the lawn, that there are others that get uneasy about that man! thanks!! keep it up.

Abbie said...

I have kept doing research and find contradictory statements about Obama and partial birth abortions. Some sources say that he voted against the ban on those types of abortion while others say that he voted present. Either way doesn't agree with my views on abortion but voting present rather than no does help me a bit.

In regards to still thinking about what you wrote I know that I will prayerfully consider my decision but will also research out my decision. Abortion and gay marriage are very important issues to me but are not deal breakers in terms of who I will vote for as president. To me so much more goes into who the next president will be. But I know that some people won't agree with me at all and that certain issues make or break a decision... and that's fine but it's just not me.
PS. We have an Obama sign in our window. :)