Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Laura tagged me!!
Here are the rules:
Link the Person who Tagged you.
Mention rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
Leave a comment to let them know.

Here's some more pointless (but funny?) information about me....

#1... I pee my pants,..... a lot,.. I mean A LOT,.. my bladder just hasn't been the same since my beautiful baybay. I am pretty sure she was holding on to my bladder on her way out!?
#2... Sometimes I like to pretend I am a ballerina when no one is watching,.. swirling, leaping(then peeing),.. the whole shabang,.. If you wanna know,.. I think I have a future in this business!
#3... I can't stand white heads,.. on my face,.. or Peter's(sorry hunny),.. it would be like pausing a really suspenseful movie right at the good part. White heads are just poised and ready for my puss squeezing finger tips!
#4... I usually make up words when I am really tired,.. ie
*skitza-foid: I was trying to say Paranoid Skitzofrenic ( don't know how to spell,..add that one to the list maybe!?)
*confusive: What!? the Airport roads ARE pretty confusive!?
*Norweiga: Norway,.. they speak Norwegian there,.. but if you put them together,..
#5... Sometimes I catch my self talking in a Narth Dakoota Accent. I can't help it really,.. I guess it's the inner Narth Dakoota-ian in me n't
#6... I have SEVERE ADD,.. I took all the online tests,.. here are my symptoms,.. I can't JUST watch T.V. that is where blogging comes in,..I can't get the house clean because when I start cleaning I will take something to my craft table, and see an unfinished project, and attempt to finish it,.. and then I will remember that the laundry beeped 20 minutes ago, and I empty the dryer and go to put it on the bed,.. but I can't put anything on the bed until it's made and then while I am making the bed,.. I see that Bailey got into my make-up and while attempting to clean that I look in the mirror and see,.. OH I haven't gotten ready yet today,.. and by this time,.. it's at least 3:00 in the afternoon. GAH,.. Yo ADD,.. yeah you know me,.. Yeah Im ADD,.. yeah you know me!! ( yes that is supposed to be sung to the song!)

There it is,..
I tag,..
Marci, Katie S, Lori, Rachel, Jessica BooHoo I'm Pregnant Church ;), and Holli
Be like Nike and Just DO it!!
P.s. I AM NOT PREGNANT,.. I ment,.. Jessica is pregnant and that is her middle name! Get it,..!?


Alysa Stewart said...

I loved this post. okay. numbers 3 and 4 are totally me too! My poor husband. He gets picked on all the time. And here is one of the words I've made up: one night I said "I'm a bunkaroo!" and Jacob's like "what?!" and I'm like "it means 'very tired person'."

Mel and David said...

I loved that post! I have that whitehead problem too! Dang... I would rather stop a scary movie at the climax, than sit and look at a white head on someone's face. So I don't think you have ADD, it sounds like you are a mother! And a busy mother at that...

Katie Smith said...

That is hilarious Amanda. I seriously just sit here and laugh whenever I read your posts. So, I got tagged by this very same tag back in November of last year, but I put a link on my blog so you can go read it.

Amy C. said...

I learned a few things about you. I have a serious pimple popping obsession too. Val brought her pimple extractor to Bear Lake last time. (She's and esthician you know.) What was I thinking when I chose a career? I would be the best pimple popper ever!

Mason & Laura said...

Not only am I laughing at your post, but also at the comments of your friends!! hahaha!! You are hilarious.