Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fabric Hunt is Over!!

Well folks,.. The Fabric hunt has finally come to an end. Which fabric did I get??? Well neither,.. I couldn't justify $20 a yard,.. so I found something else. Paisley of course because,.. let's face it,.. I'm obsessed. I don't know why,.. I don't wear it, and I don't plan on decorating anything else in my house with it, but when it came to the baby's room, I just couldn't see any other pattern. I know,.. I'm weird, which you all knew. So here is the fabric,

I don't know what fabric is going where but the Paisley is defiantly going to be the bulk of it.

The gnawed on crib (thank you my little beaver who I call Bailey) is dark wood, and I plan on putting up some bead board, and painting the room a light lime green,.. I may regret that decision. The other day I saw this AWESOME chandelier type thing at Bath and Body that I LOVE, but thy obviously don't sell decor,.. so I took a close look at it, and am going to make my own, Maybe I will share my secrets when I am done making it! ;) I have a SUPER cute Lime green rocking chair that my cute husband got me(the main reason I decided against the bright pink, orange and yellow). I will OF COURSE post pictures when I am done,.. which may be never, keep in mind! I am REALLY good at starting things and never finishing them.
I have been busy making headbands for little Chloe, so I hope she doesn't surprise us and by that I mean,.. she is a he and has a weiner and not a china.

Expect a fun mother's day post in the days to come,.. let me just say,.. my husband is AMAZING!! And that crazy kid running around that makes me a Mommy(or a Daddy,.. yes I am STILL called daddy!), is pretty amazing too!! I sure love them! Thanks for making me a mommy(or a daddy) and someone to celebrate!!


Mandy said...

I love the fabric! Good choice, and I am still laughing about the "china" refrence! You are a hoot!!

Taylor Jewell said...

The fabric is so cute and I think it will look way good with green walls. Good choice. By the way you look so pretty in your family pic at the top. Love it

Jess said...

Cute, cute!! I totally understand what you mean about the paisleys, I was the same way with my daughter, I just couldn't find anything that I LOVED. You're lucky you found something!

Amanda said...

I LOVE it!! Very good choice.