Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Bailey loves her new little sister!! I really was having panic attacks before Chloe's arrival thinking about how Bailey would handle it all. I am SHOCKED at how well she has done with her new little sister. I guess the adjustment from Mommy sitting on the couch all day to Mommy sitting on the couch all day wasn't THAT hard for her!! humm,..'magine that!

Good News:

I had a little check up today so they could see how my blood was doin' these days,.. like if I had enough and stuff and such as.

Dr. Haskett(AAAAmazing!) reassured me that just because I had a MASSIVE hemorrhage doesn't mean I can't have a bazillion more babies!! YAHOOOOO!!! There was no evidence that my placenta grew into my Uterus(I don't know the medical term). I guess my Uterus was just being fickle and wouldn't cramp down and stay cramped down, it would relax and just couldn't make up it's mind that it was going to stay cramped down.

Order IUD,.. Check!

I LOVE my babies,.. but don't need another one for 2 years.

With my luck, I will be due again on July 5th and have a baby on July 2nd.

(Bailey's due date, July 6th, Chloe's due date July 7th)

(Bailey's birthday, June 30th, Chloe's birthday July 3rd)

Yes,.. we are just that good!


Tyler & Laura said...

Go Amanda's uterus! I'm glad it was just having a "moment" and nothing more serious. Maybe it just didn't want to let that baby go!

Your girls are so cute. I'm glad Bailey's adjusting so well!! I was shocked with how obsessed Jack was with Lyla from the get-go, but I'd rather him cover her in kisses than bruises, so it's all good!

Todd and Kara said...

You are one tough mama. Hope you're enjoying two bundles of cuteness everyday! So fun! And glad you're on the mend and your baby-maker is too. : )

Melanie, Shayne, Riley, Bently and Jaylen said...

Oh Amanda! Your girls are so incredibly darling (incase your weren't aware!) I am so glad that Bailey is loving her new sister. I am excited, but way nervous to see how Riley is with his new sibling. I am glad that you are feeling better. It sounds like you had quite the scare.

I love reading your blog... your a hoot!

Justina Selim said...

Wow, you have been through so much! I'm glad you are doing better now! Your little girl is sooo cute!

Trent & Tara said...

Congrats on your new arrival. She is so pretty. Baily will be a great big sister. I am sorry you had such a rough time afterward.