Thursday, July 2, 2009


No,.. not "IN" patient,.. much to my dismay.
This is crap.
Tuesday's Dr. Appointment:
4 cm and 95% effaced=NOTHING
Induction scheduled for today=NOTHING
7:00am-they started taking patients to induce
9:40am-phone call from the hospital saying,.. be here at 11:30 and we will get the ball rolling
11:25-phone call from the charge nurse apologizing but they are going to have to push me back to 1:00.
1:00pm-I CALL THEM-it shouldn't be more than another hour.
2:00pm-I CALL THEM AGAIN- Go to a movie, go shopping, take advantage of having your daughter with a babysitter. RELAX. Lucky for you,.. we will have you come in as late as 2am to be induced!!! SO HAPPY!! (sarcasm a little?) Call us if you haven't heard back from us by 5.
Being 7th on the list just means,.. "We are going to deliver everyone ahead of you,.. all of which will have complications, and you can sit around your house all day, ANXIOUSLY waiting our phone call, but in the mean time,.. go shopping,.. go to a movie,.. just relax!"
Umm,.. did you really say that to me,.. a person who has done EVERYTHING under the sun to have this baby in the last 2 weeks to no avail. A person with SUCH swollen feet, there are rolls where there ought not be rolls. A person on the WAY TOO OVERLY EMOTIONAL end of the emotional spectrum. A person who has peed her pants DAILY since February because of the added pressure to my already CRAPPY bladder. A person who has had her "mommy bag" packed and IN THE CAR for 3 weeks. A person who's wedding ring no longer fits(and is emo about it). A person who
JUST WANTS HER BABY ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So in the mean time,.. I have made a butt load of head bands,.. some wipe cases(Laura, are still going to get yours even though your baby is like 21 and can gamble now!) and made Bailey and little sister matching bracelets.
Who goes into labor on their own anyway!?!? ;)


Amy C. said...

Oh I'm so sorry! I thought for sure I'd be reading a birth announcement! Good luck!!! Hope they have already called you and you are having your baby.

Kera said...

ha. in san fran i had a scheduled induction date. they ended up pushing me back 2 days. this may not seem like a long time, but it felt like an ETERNITY!

good luck :)

Newton said...

Wow!!! What a day! We just can't wait to see picutres of the new little one and hope evertyhing goes ok!