Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Dream is a Wish,..

Well in this case, it better not be a wish.

WARNING Wordy post,.. I refuse to post pictures on the subject. They make me sick!

I could make post after post about Peter. He is amazing! I love his stinkin(and sometimes they are PRETTY stinky!) guts!!
We have many-a stories of funny night time sleep talking. We have a little journal to write down funny stories in and although we usually forget, and when we remember, it's usually something I have done like, THIS, or how I JUST found out that P.S., mean Post Script, not PLUS SOME!?!? What,..!?
Anyway, since this blog is more like a journal than anything else I have I feel the need to share. (With hubbies permission of course.)
Well we were lying in bed, and before I knew it, we were ASLEEP! A few hours into our beauty rest, I hear Peter mumbling, which isn't all that unusual, and the all of the sudden, The sheets are ripped back and Peter JUMPS out of bed and runs over by the door to our room(foot of the bed). I sit up(super irritated! How DARE you wake a pregnant woman!) and Peter is standing there in all his heroism, pointing at the ceiling pointing at "The White Spider" Above my head of course. Peter was yelling, "The white spider, The white spider, it's on the ceiling." Agggh,.. I was pretty irritated. I said, "Babe, there is no such thing as white spiders, go back to bed." Then he was speaking so coherently, he said "Yes there is!" very adamantly, and just as irritated back. It took me forever to talk him into believing there was no "White Spider" on the ceiling.
So you may, or may not have noticed a Spider theme to most of my posts recently. Bailey is obsessed with Spiders as of late. She talks about them all the time, and they make the same sound as a Lion, Tiger, Bear and Shark, (they all say the same things). Then she scrunches her nose, and I just want to pick her up and squeeze her because her facial expressions are AMAZING these days. I don't think it has ANY thing to do with the CRAZY faces I have made for her since day one. Well Bailey has a new spider story too.

Usually Bailey is up before Peter leaves for work, and he loves to go and get her in the morning and bring her down stairs to wake me up too. Well the other morning Bailey woke up later than usual and so Peter was gone. I was startled to wake up to Bailey's SCREAMING and so I RAN upstairs and flung open her bedroom door to find my poor daughter literally in a ball, at the head of her bed whispering, "spideww, scare me, Ahhh" and she was pointing at 12her ceiling, so I look up there, and sure enough, there was a little spider on her ceiling, for real.

I just hate spiders. Creepy crawly things make me sick. Ewe!

The End.


Mel and David said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am laughing so hard right now. I would have paid some serious money to watch peter point and repeat "white spider"!!! That is He-larious!!!!! Poor Bailey! I hope it wasn't a scary wolf spider... I hate those!


Jess said...

Awesome!... I meant it was a funny story about Peter, I'm sorry about Bailey.

RATCH said...

Man I love you... and your blog too!