Thursday, December 17, 2009


I don't have anything funny to blog about now that I don't pee my pants. What jokes am I going to make now!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!???!?!?!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Potty Training

That's right people,.. Amanda is getting Potty Trained FINALLY. It's been 2 and a half years and coming,.. and it's finally here!!
So,.. I was going to blog about all of this before it ACTUALLY happened, but,.... well,.. here is the story,.. kinda.

Surgery for a bladder sling (a device that is placed so I don't pee all over all the time) was scheduled for December 28th, 2009.

Monday morning I get a call from my Dr's office saying my doctor fell and broke his hand and wouldn't be doing surgery until the end of January. (BAGH) Well,........ between having Chloe and Peter's leg issues,.. we have paid all our dues with our insurance and it all rolls over January 1st,.. so,.... I REALLY wanted to have this surgery before January 1st. So my dr called one of his partners and they were able to get me in,.. but ONLY that coming Thursday. CRAZINESS! So I hurried and did almost all my Christmas/Peter's Birthday shopping in ONE MORNING or should I say Mourning, because I LOVE shopping and to pack it all in one day was a time for mourning. So,.. anyway,..

I got my surgery! :D
Now I walk funny!
And blogging is lots more fun whilst doped up on Percoset. HAPPY :D
I don't think I professed my love to anyone this time, but I DID ruin Peter's Birthday :( He spent the day by my side in the hospital. Sweet man of mine!

Now if I could just talk Bailey into going pee on the potty, we would be SET!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Peter Pan

So,.. tomorrow is Peter's Birthday and I am ruining it for him!
{maybe i am blogging from a hospital bed, with Peter by my side}

{That's a BIG frownie face!}

2_ things for your 2_ birthday!
{We aren't mentioning the actual number so Shhhhh!!}

I am SOOO glad he didn't DIE in his Scooter(I mean manly hog) crash
I am SOOOO grateful that he takes such good care of all his girlies!
He knows me better than I know my self,.. and It's downright disturbing.
He can order my Cafe Rio better than I can.
He lights up our babies lives,.. and mine too!
He let's me pop his zits,.. (I have a problem,.. I know)
He laughed that one time I peed my pants while sitting in his lap(oops!)
He has an AWESOME bald head that I like to rub for good luck! ;)
He likes what I cook(a miracle)
He says "sawich" instead of saNDwich.
He does fulfills his church duties
He is ridiculously generous
He never gets mad at me, even when he should
He is a hard worker
He is wicked smart
He is crazy funny,.. Hence,.. I pee my pants all the time
He NEVER takes his wedding ring off, and I like that
He loves my family,.. which was a MUST and can be a VERY difficult thing,.. We're CRAZY
He likes to make his own t-shirts,.......?
He is frugal,.. and I am not
He has the most amazing color eyes,... AMAZING
He wasn't a hussy in High School, like me. ;)
He pretty much lets me decorate however I want
He doesn't judge me when I make "that's what she said" jokes,.. and usually laughs,.. usually
He still kisses me when I haven't brushed my teeth(it happens often and now I have 5 cavities)
He will always stop and get me a Dr. Pepper when I REALLY need one(which is always,.. let's face it!?)
He makes me want to be a better person
He ALWAYS helps me when I need him to
He loves his wife and daughters and we know it!

I love you Peter,.. Happy Birthday baby cakes!

Monday, November 30, 2009


I am not going to lie,.. I have ZERO motivation to blog these days,.. In all actuality I have CLOSE to zero motivation for anything. Not quite sure why, but that's the truth. I have a BILLION things I could blog about, but haven't. So,.. in a nut shell,..........

Thanksgiving was Tubular.

Yes,.. this is the only picture I have of Thanksgiving Day,.. us Mom's were too busy feeding babies to worry about picture taking.

Robbins Family Christmas Party is always Radical dOOd.

Bailey being a camel in the nativity,.. more irritated that I put a big fluffy animal around her neck,.. but I sure thought it as cute!

Hanging Out at Home with the Kiddos is AWESOME. (I have some funny Bailey stories for YOU!)
Speaking of funny stories,.. this little red outfit is a jammie dress that Peter's mom and Dad gave Bailey for Christmas,.. well,.. Bailey calls it her "Pitty Pincess dwess" and we take it off in the morning to get dressed and then it goes back on, over our normal clothes,.....................:D And Ariel, mini Ariel, and Cinderella go EVERYWHERE with us,.. cute,.. no,.. Annoying is more like it. {because if we lose one,.. it's the end of the world as we know it!(yes I was singing that part)}

Chloe is just as sweet as ever. We are getting more and more sleep these days, which makes for a happier baby AND mamma! :D YEA!!!!!!!

Umm,.. I think that's what I have been up to for the last 3 weeks,.... I know,.. I KNOW you have been DYING because I haven't given you a play by play of my every last adventure, and I'm pretty sure you will survive. So,.. I hope that I will have more motivation to blog a little more often, but honestly, I am going to attempt to put the Dr. Pepper down,......the drain and not my throat,...... which means MAJOR withdrawals at my house in the coming days,.. which also means you don't want me to blog,.. it will just be negative and mean spirited and junk,.. so seriously wish my husband and kids good luck, cause they are gonna need it!

So maybe I actually wrote that part ^ 2 days ago and was too lazy to upload pictures,.. and since then,.. we got our Christmas tree up and decorated and I am in L-O-V-E with my tree and all the trimmings,.. there are a few things that aren't quite finished, but it should be by the time Christmas rolls around. :D This is just how I operate people!

On another note,.......

This is Uncle Jason, mocking Chloe,.. but you see,.. Chloe has these fingers in her mouth probably %85 of the day,.. I think it's SUPER cute, and it is becoming a great thing in the middle of the night when she wakes up, because she is able to just go right back to sleep once she finds her fingers. But there are a few times a day when it's not so cute and really quite annoying like this for example,.....

So I have decided to quit trying to keep her fingers out of her mouth and just feed her via syringe,...... Whatever works right!?!?

Monday, November 16, 2009


In the last few weeks, I have had a lot of little things that make me think of Metal. You'll see.
I don't like having this Metal ring on my finger. Each and every time I have slipped it on my hand, it was for a reason, a reason I don't like. It ha
s meant(TO ME) that Peter is incapable of wearing it him self. Luckily, I have only worn it twice, and I sure hope it never ends up on my hand again.

About 2 weeks ago, Peter's leg(the one he broke) started really bother him, right where he had surgery. I FREAKED and immediately though he had a blood clot. (I'm a spaz) but the Doc said it was an infection,..... Like that's good or something?!?!?!?!?!?!? (better than a clot I guess) So we scheduled a surgery to have all the metal hardware taken out of his leg. It was a pretty quick procedure, but no wife likes to take their husbands wedding ring off and slip it onto their own hand, and kiss them good-bye. It freaked me out when we did this with his first surgery, and it freaked me out, once again. Not to mention, who knows what those nurses say and do!?!? JAY KAY!

Anyway,.. Peter did GREAT, coming out of anesthesia wasn't much fun. My husband would make a really crappy drug addict. They gave him some morphine right out of surgery and he quit breathing, and so they gave him Loratab(Mel, you can laugh at my spelling!) and even on that he was having a hard time keeping his O2 levels where they needed to be. So,.. at least I know that Peter isn't addicted to pain killers right!? He probably didn't get a good nights sleep that night cause I keep slapping his chest all night, waking him up and asking,.. "are you breathing!?!?" I would have been super annoyed. Sorry babe!
When they were sewing him up, they realized that stitches weren't really going to do the trick because of all the scar tissue from the first surgery, and so they stapled(metal) him up. yummy!
Don't you worry your little hearts people,.. we of course brought home all the metal that was in his leg.
WHAT? You really think I was going to leave the $22,000 worth of metal there for them to do whatever with!? Don't think so!!! So if any of you end up spiral compound fracturing your left leg,... I can get you a good deal on the hardware needed to fix you up real good! I think we would settle for $10 G's!? They were well taken care of,.. in almost perfect condition!? Let me know! ;)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A little worry-some

I went to the dentist today.
I have never been bothered by the dentist. I LOVE walking out of there and rubbing my tongue against my teeth and swishing air between my teeth, and knowing they are just so clean! It's such a happy feeling!!!
Well I walked INTO the office thinking,.. "DANG I am good,.. I am 23 and have never had a cavity."
I left with 5 cavities.
I forgot that I haven't had x-rays in like 5 years,.. between pregnancy and the fact that I didn't go to the dentist when I was in school. OOPS.
So I am lying there, on my back, SUPER sad that I had 5 cavities, thinking,.. "MAN I gotta lay off the DP",.. and the dentist leans over me to "take a look". I look up at him as he smiles at me and slowly moves his mask up over his mouth and nose, JUST IN TIME TO SEE,..
Should I be worried that the guy drilling holes in my teeth, and telling me to floss, has a big fat piece of parsley in his pearly whites!?

Friday, November 6, 2009


I was busy making breakfast this morning, and Chloe started crying,.. I heard Bailey say,...
"Chloes crying,.. I coming Chloe, I save you"

I kept trugging along makin eggs, and Chloe started fussing a little while later, and so I decided it was time to rescue her. (I had totally forgotten that Bailey had already gone to rescue her) I walked into my room to find this:

And hear this from Bailey's mouth.
"We snugglin' Mommy,.. I LOVE her"
It's moments like this that make my destroyed bladder all worth it.
She really DOES love her baby sister,.. and I don't think I could be more happy about that fact.
Maybe my BABY is 4 months old,.. WHAT? I know everyone says this,.. and it's so true, but I just can't believe she is already 4 months old. I still feel like I had her 2 weeks ago.
But maybe,.. she wears 6-9 month clothes?
Maybe she started solids cause,.. she is obviously WASTING away.
Maybe I am enjoying that she still sleeps in our room because Bailey never did?
Maybe she is 95% in everything?
{Maybe,.... just maybe!}

On another note,.. maybe we have all had head colds and when I took the girls in for check-ups,.. and they both had double ear infections,..poor babies! Bailey hasn't said a WORD about her ears hurting, and I knew Chloe had an ear infection, but she is so incredibly happy and content, the only time she would cry about it was when I would lay her on her back, or on her side to nurse,.. poor baby.

Speaking of crappy health. Remember when Peter snapped his leg in a scooter accident 6 MONTHS ago????? Well all WAS well,.. walking great,.. all healed,... and then this week it started buggin him again,.. then it got all swollen and red, and tender, and literally hot to the touch. He went in to have the Dr. look at it and,... he has an infection. GAH! So they are counting out the possibility that the infection is just in his skin by giving him a round of antibiotics, and if it doesn't clear up then he will have to have surgery next week to take out all the metal plates, pins and screws that they put in. Sew him up, and start a 6 WEEK round of antibiotics. So we are hoping that we can clear it up without surgery, but the doctor didn't sound to optimistic about that happening,..and my bro-in-law that is a physical therapist didn't sound too optimistic about it happening either,..

We are just a little perplexed as to how an infection is JUST showing up,.. 6 months after the fact. Oh well,..
All in all,... I thank my Heavenly Father Daily for our health. These things are things that we will all get over, and we will move on with life.

p.s. who ever said that horrible think to Nie Nie at the grocery store,.. I am going to hunt you down and punch you in the face,..... multiple times. Watch your back foo!(yes I am violent)

If you are confused click here.

I cried,.. a lot,.. for her.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009 was a HIT!

Oooh Goodness we had a fun Halloween!!
I have ALWAYS loved Halloween,.. especially last year,.. Bailey was old enough to trick-or-treat, but not old enough to eat all the candy,.. so I helped her with that.
But this year, she wanted to take care of her own candy. Dang it anyway!!

(Notice Bailey's posture,.. she is really saying,.. let's get this show on the road you crazy picture taking mom of mine.) And YES,.. Chloe's pinkie IS in her nose!

Yes,.. she is the cutest Tinkerbell on the planet!

Yes, her chub is out of control, and it took A LOT of effort to get that strap around AND under the chubby cheeks!

Thank you Jim for the lazy costume idea. pure awesomeness!

Our Trick-or-Treating Posse'.
So a few little stories,...
Notice who Bailey can't take her eyes off of,..? That would be SnowMan(White,.. but she gets confused)
I WAS going to dress up as Glinda
(without the 'A' because I am selfless like that)
{it's Wicked humor}
and so I tried on my wedding dress and was contemplating spray painting pink,.. but everyone told me I couldn't but,..................................
I DO still fit in my dress!!
{It's actually not THAT exciting,.. I was pregnant when I got married,.. JUST KIDDING,.. Bailey's birthday is almost on our 1 year anniversary! but I was chunky,.. just like I still am!}
ANYWAY,.. So I put it on on Saturday thinking I might wear it, and when Bailey saw me,.. her eyes got all big, and her jaw dropped and she looked at me and said,..
"mommy, you a Pin-cess?,.. you gettin ready, go to ball?"
"Bailey come?"
I know,.. so dang cute!
So for Bailey's hair, I just pulled it up(mega hairspray needed) into a messy bun, and so that is called "Tinkerbell Hair" at our house,.. well I just pulled my hair back into a messy bun this morning, and Bailey keeps calling me Tinkerbell instead of Mommy. I'll take it!
p.s. I am realizing why my mom hated Halloween, and why our candy always disappeared like 3 days after Halloween,..
THE WRAPPERS ARE OUT OF CONTROL,.. and now that I have taken the candy away, the Sugar with drawl is driving me nuts!! Peter won't stop crying! ;) JAY KAY!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Get it,.. Swine+whiner=Swhiner!? I know I am HILARIOUS! I crack my self up!

I am SOOOOO sick of hearing about "Swine Flu" and H1N1,.. I know it's real, and I am sure that someone who reads my blog has had it.

So correct me if I am wrong, because I haven't caught the DEATHLY disease,.. but is it really like the end of the world, and you are pretty much on your death bed?

From what I have kind of heard, it's really not THAT bad. I was reading on KSL today and they posted a little thing about there being 4 more deaths in Utah from the Swine Flu,... When am I going to start hearing about the number of deaths from the regular seasonal Flu? Is it REALLY that much worse?

Have you ever gotten the Flu FROM the flu shot? I have,.. and decided,..I am never doing that again. I am sure that it's not a surprise to anyone that we are forgoing the shot. (I know SHOCKER!) Of course I don't want to get it,.. and I REALLY don't want Chloe to get it, but I think that if we did get it,.. we will live, and not have life altering effects from having it. The CDC admits they haven't tested it very much. "I" don't want to put that stuff in my body, and really don't want it in my babies' bodies.

So there is my rant for the day. Feel free to comment how you would like,.. but know that I think Obama is good for nothin', and so are his economic "saving" policies, and HEALTH CARE,.. Oh HEAVENS,.. that's a whole nother BLOG to get me going on that. We are in for it people!

Love, Peace and Pig Greese!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Punka Robbins

If you thought you had the best Father-in-Law,.. you were mistaken!
I have the best Father-in-Law.
Happy Birthday Lynn!! We love you!!!!


Friday, October 23, 2009

Mamma Cakes

{I think I forgot my face was on the front of my head,.. not the top,.. Why am I holding my head like that!?}
Happy Birthday Mamma Cakes!
The Big
62 Reasons I love you Mamma!
Reasons 1-62,......
You don't look a day past 62!
But really,.. what WAS the earth like before God made dirt?
What DID dinosaurs go instinct!?
Okay,.. All jokes aside,.. I Love you Mom!
I never knew how much you loved me until I had my own babies,.. but I still love you more!
Now let's go get a pedi!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


(Rachel you are exempt from commenting because I love you but do NOT need to hear I told you so from you AND your brother)
(hahaha,.. I looked for the ugliest picture I could find!)
GAHHHHHHH!!! Did anyone else watch Oprah today!? I was SOoOoOoOoOo mad!
First of all,.. I have always been a fan of Oprah's SHOW,.. not necessarily OPRAH.
I was super ticked that Nie Nie didn't get her ENTIRE hour.
I hate Oprah's personal views on Motherhood, Marriage, and last but certainly not least, her views on who should be President(gag me!)
But today,.. she took it far too far.
She was talking about different countries and "how people live there"
All it was, was an entire show about how "great" socialism is.
She went to Denmark and interviewed some women there (who have her same view on marriage, which, well,.. whatever.) and the entire freaky interview was about how happy their country is because their government doesn't allow people to be homeless, and if they loose their job, the government pays them what their old salary was for 4 YEARS!?!?!?!?!?!?! And then FINDS them a job. WHAT A JOKE!?!? Then,.. the woman were like,.. "we are so happy and we don't believe in God" MY HEAVENS TO BETSY!?!?!?!?!?!?! THEN to make it all better, they were like "AND we have Universal Health Care, and really,.. socialism really isn't that bad." and Oprah was like yeah,.. Whats so wrong with Socialism!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!??!?!!??!?!
This is a free country,.. that is what BOTH sets of my grandparents fought for, and sacrificed so much for.
Our founding fathers fought for our freedom to practice religion, and that's why we see the name of God on our currency, and in our pledge, and in our national anthem, and in our schools. GOD IS WHAT LED US TO(this land) AND THROUGH(the wars)!
I am boycotting Oprah. I really like some of her shows, but I really HATE how she throws her personal views into her shows.
FOX news rocks my socks.
ABC, CBS, CNN,.. can kiss my flabby tooshie.
Someone has to try and get the truth out there.
So,.. Oprah,.. you and your lesbian lover Gail can go have your little rich girl pow-wow's and eat all the fried butter you want, and then go cry about your weight on national television.
Nie Nie,.. you should take Oprah's job. Oprah knows a whole butt load of crap about nothing.
p.s. you shouldn't trust anyone who eats,.....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sometimes when your a bad mom

Sometimes when your a bad mom, and you get distracted with the Big sister,.. you walk in the room to find this.


Poor Baby!!!

I,... of course picked her up as soon as I took this picture.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My little Cubbie Scouts

They called me to Cub Scouts

My first Den Meeting was interesting, when we found a worm.

Then they killed it.

Remember how I have two little
And we have princess dance parties?

(this is me being relieved and happy)

I was excited to get one of these though.

(BELIEVE ME: when I say I COULD NOT flip this picture!)
Always wanted a scouting shirt, and now I have one! Does this mean I am going to have to learn to do boy-ish stuff?


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Family Pics Yo!

Umm,.. I could kiss you on the mouth Rachel Clarke! Thank you thank you thank you!

Im not gonna lie,.. we are one good lookin' family! :D
Even with our excess chubby!
And with our Matchy Matchy outfits,.. I happen to like matchy matchy!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sweet Baby girl

I was folding laundry this afternoon, as Chloe slept in her bouncer at my feet. I love her every minute, but there are many moments in the day that I look at her and look at Bailey and I am OVERWHELMED with love for my sweet baby girls.
Chloe has Croup, and so I have had a humidifier by her side all day, and while I was getting ready, I decided to just turn on the shower as hot as I could, and the bath tub, and create our own little Sauna. Although her cough makes me cough and cry a little too, she is still ALL smiles, and I can't help but kiss her face a million times a day, and still feel like I don't kiss her enough.
Her sweet spirit strengthens my testimony of Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ. The joy I feel, knowing that I get to be with my angel babies and my amazing hunka hunka burnin love for FOREVER!! I am grateful for my religion that allows me to be able to be sealed to my family forever.
Anyway,.. Chloe is cute, and I am just so in love with her.

Yes,.. I know it looks like she is going to poop,.. Chloe, Not me!

I love this girl!

I love this girl too.

and I REALLY love this dude!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Bailey-"Mommy,.. Where Daddy?"
Me-"He went to work sweetheart.
Bailey-"I want Daddy, You go to work"
-You know you are a boring mom when your 2 year old tells you to go to work!
After 3 years of dreaming, it has come true!
Bailey now says ,......
"Hey Sexy!"
(We are still workin on "I'm a Diva!" But usually when I tell her to say it she says,.. No, No Diva mom, no Sexy. no no no.)
Added to that,.. Bailey's cousin Spencer came over the other day and when we opened the door, this was the conversation they had.
Bailey- "Hey Sexy"
Spencer-"Hi bummy"(Yes he is a 4 year old boy and boogers, poop and bums are REALLY funny!)
Bailey-"Oh Hi!!"
Peter took Bailey to the little park down the street from our house, and there are those little wood chips on the ground. Bailey ran down there, and hopped over the egde and Peter heard her say,..
"Hey, it's fast grass,..... NO,.. It's not grass." Then she just laughs at her self. So funny!
I have been busy painting the last two days, which means that maybe Bailey hasn't been tended to like normal. Well she was wearing a little dress, and MAYBE I hadn't changed her bum in a while, so I am up on a ladder and all the sudden Bailey starts screaming, and then sobbing isues, and I ask her what's wrong and she tells me "mommy, my butt is broken" and while laughing, I walk over to her and her diaper was SUPER full and one side had broken off. But her butt was broken! LOVE IT!! I'm a REAL good mom.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Egg Rolls

So even though you can tell from my last post that Peter definitely wears the pants in this family, here is a little story for you that #1- confirms that point, and #2-totally redeems himself for wearing the pants.
Long ago, in a far away condo was a newly wed couple, deciding what new and exciting gifts they recently received on their happy wedded day of bliss they should keep, and what should be returned. We came to the shining new box of pots and pans. humm,.. to keep or not to keep??
And the poor newly wed couple then had their very first argument. Things were worked out and compromise was made. The no longer fair "maiden", wanted to return the $50 set, and spend some of the wedding money on a nicer set,.. and the young lad disagreed. So, the cheep set stayed, and so did the, no longer a fair "maiden".
So,.. although it was not my idea to keep the pots and pans,.. we did. And there have been many times that I served Bailey-bum Teflon flecked Mac & Cheese and thought back to that moment, wishing I had stood my ground.
But really,.. those pots and pans have been through a lot of yummy meals with our cute little family. And have more recently made it through BIG family gathering meals.
So,.. Every once in a blue moon I like to make an Egg Roll FEAST! And when I mean Feast, I'm not kidding. When I start, I set out to make at least 100 Egg Rolls. That's a lot! But they freeze AMAZINGLY well,.. so why not right!?
(thanks Mo!)
Anyway,.. I needed Peter's help for a second,.. so he helped scrape the pan out into a bowl for me, and while doing so,.. the pan handle completely broke off. I just laughed because,.. well,.. it wasn't the first time that pan handle fell off. So we picked up the mess, and I went back to cooking a feast.
The next night I ran an errand and walked into my CLEAN house, and my CLEAN kitchen, to find
Yeah,.. we are in love. I didn't even ask, he just did.
Some people may not think that Pots and Pans are Romantic,.. but they are to me!! I use them EVERY DAY.
Next romantic gift I could use,.. a New Iron!
I'm serious.
I Love him.

Friday, October 2, 2009


My sister-in-law and I have been discussing our opinions about animal print shoes. I have NEVER been a fan of animal print, ANYTHING. I feel like you shoul love your animals, not wear them. And no,.. I am not a member of PETA. So,.. my sister(we are pretty much sisters) bought a REALLY cute pair of shoes and I decided I wanted them too,..but in Zebra Print.

When I told Peter I wanted these Zebra Print shoes, he told me he wouldn't be seen in public with me. (He was kidding) But I did mention that I would wear them to church.

So,.. church worthy? Peter made me sit and tell him the deffiniton of "modest". SO,.. are these modest enough for church? Egh?!?!?!?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The great Debate

To go Private or Not to go Private,.. THAT is the question??

What do you think?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ask How, Ask Now


I have had more energy lately, than I have had in about a year (pregnancy+recovery) and I am finally getting to actually doing something with my house.

(I did paint Chloe's room, and it turned out, well,.. down right hideous,.. this equals redo!)

My sister-in-law Rachel has IMPECCABLE taste, and so I am going to paint my walls the same color as hers! :D So I got all the info from her I needed and finally had a minute today to go grab some paint samples.

Hopped on my trusty new iPhone(LOVE IT!) and map-quested Sherman Williams,.. started Driving, and thought,.. "this is weird,..... Why am I in the middle of a residential neighborhood??,...Well, it's gotta be here somewhere!" So I kept going,.. pulled in the driveway, looked around and,.....

Well I was in the right place,.. sitting in Mr. SherMAN Williams' driveway.

I bet he is a nice guy, but I think I wanted SherWIN Williams,.. you know,.. the PAINT STORE!?!?
Maybe I should read a little more carefully next time!

-yes,......more evidence that I have completely lost it.